• T W E N T Y • T H R E E •

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"If I were you, I wouldn't love me neither."
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Gage's POV
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Sitting down at the table in the cafeteria, I prop my chin up with my hand as I lose myself in thought.

I jump slightly as a tray full of food is slid in front of me.

"Eat it and don't get used to it," Rage directs in a stern voice.

I look up at her with wide eyes and my eyes instantly widen as I take in what she is wearing. It is a simple outfit, really, but the leather pants fit tightly and mold to her curves. Quickly, I look her in the eye, not wanting to gawk at her any longer than I had.
"Why did you get me food?" I ask her, tilting my head in curiosity.

Rage narrows her pretty eyes at me and sharply says, "Because you weren't eating and I know you need to. Now eat your food."

Her words are cold, but the gesture is warm and kind. It floored me, really. It's such a simple act, but means more to me than I can explain.

Rage raises an eyebrow at me and I take that as my cue to dig into the food that she got. A chicken sandwich and carrots.

Once I am done eating, I can't help but say, "Thank you, Rage. But why did you get me the food? And how did you know what I would want?"

A smile spreads across her face, her lemon eyes twinkling amusement.

"Let's just say that you're the kinda guy I'd make a sandwich for. And I know you, Gage. You eat pretty simple food."

I grin and shake my head at her response.

"Hey wanna ditch?" Rage asks, leaning forward with a dangerous smile that makes me both excited and scared.

"Sure," I reply smoothly, standing up and smiling at her. "I'll take your tray back since you brought me mine."

Rage nods and picks up her backpack.

"Meet you in the hall?"


I take long strides to the line and hurry back, not wanting to keep her waiting.

To tell you the truth, I'm not against ditching, contrary to popular belief.

A lot of people—students and teachers alike—are confused by me. They expect me to fit into a cliche stereo type. But I don't fit into a box. I am smart, but I'm definitely not a teacher's pet or a nerd. I'm athletic, but I'm not a jock or a mindless meathead. Apparently, I'm broody, but I'm too smart and follow too many rules to be a bad boy. So, instead, they just call me a loner. The only thing that makes me stand out is my looks.

I'm not vain, but I do know that I somehow ended up with a unique coloring. That's just my genes. I'm not arrogant about my looks because I know that it is all just chance. Besides, my looks being me more trouble than I want. Girls like Seraphina.

My lip curls in disgust.

Then again, now that Rage is here, I've grown to be more glad about my looks. Now she won't turn away from me in disgust every time she sees me, at least.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"Are you coming or not?" She demands, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Of course," I say, adding My devil, in my head.

Rage sets off and I walk alongside her, following her as we exit the school.

"You know," She starts, looking at me out of the corner of her eye. "I didn't think you would actually agree to come with me."

I smirk and reply, "Why? Because I'm smart? Don't you think that presumption would be stupid?"

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