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Zaidee Carter

Today I was wearing some old black converse, blue jeans, and a multicolored shirt. I had just arrived at school and I was heading towards the main doors.

Out of no where, Deja came up to me- pulling on my arm and dragging me with her.

"Oh my fucking god bitch you lucky you ain't miss this." She said as we filled into a large crowd in the hallway. The kids had their phones out and people were yelling, laughing, and more. I couldn't see what was going on at first but Deja pushed us both through the thick crowd, people didn't even notice we were squeezing our way past them, to the front.

My mouth dropped as we witnessed what had all the kids yelling and recording- a young male was on the ground in a fetus position while another male stood tall- stomping him out with his fresh white Jordans. The guy was yelling out for the guy to stop but the guy seemed to ignore his pleas. I looked around hearing teachers but they were struggling to get through the crowd and break up the fight.

The look on the guy's face was cold and mean- he looked as if he wasn't going to stop until the guy on the ground was dead. His teeth pressed down firmly on his bottom lip and his nostrils flared. The guy stomped the boy in his stomach three times causing him to cough dreadfully and spit out some blood, and then the guy kicked him in the head just as Principal Hastings caught a hold of him and struggled to pull him away from the guy on the ground.

Another teacher jumped in and helped the young guy on the ground up. And as soon as the guy was on his own two feet, the other guy broke loose from Hastings' grip and decked the guy right in his mouth and everybody gasped as they heard a hard crunch. The principal quickly grabbed the guy again.

"Fuck you pussy!" The guy who was obviously losing yelled while holding his jaw that just might be broke.

"Everyone calm down!" Hastings yelled but no one paid him any attention. They were all too focused on the interesting situation at hand.

"Oh I'm pussy but I just beat yo' ass right?" The guy spat as Hastings struggled to hold him back while trying to tell one of the teachers to call security.

If you looked down at the floor you could see blood on the floor from the guy who was getting stomped.

"Yeah! Yeah you pussy!" The guy yelled as a male teacher restrained him.

"Man I'll knock yo' ass clean out in front of all these motha'fuckers, play me like I won't!" The guy yelled at him.

But the other guy obviously was confident for some reason even though he'd clearly just got whooped in the hallway, in front of a good number of his peers. "Aight then bitch! Do it! Do it! Knock me out bitch! Pussy ass!" The guy's mouth started leaking blood and his nose was already busted.

"Man..." the other guy huffed. "Get the fuck off me man!" He tried to get out of Hastings' grip but failed.

"Calm down! Security is coming!" The principal yelled.

They sure were taking a long time to come.

"Fuck security!" The guy yelled as a vein became very visible on his forehead. This guy was terrifying.

As if it was planned- both guys broke free from the people that were restraining them and went into a hectic fist fight. And the guy with the now messed up jaw was losing again.

They other guy was on top of him, throwing blow after blow to his face and principal Hastings held a terrified look on his face.

You could hear a crunch every time the guy punched him.

"MOVE!" Security bursted through the crowd.

They were big enough to pull the guys apart and the one who was losing looked pitiful, black eye, mouth leaking blood, nose leaking blood, busted lip, swollen jaw, his blood was on the floor, and one of his shoes was halfway off.

"Everyone get to your lockers and class! You have ten minutes!" Hastings yelled and everyone scattered as security walked away with what held everyone's attention.

I was still shocked. I've never seen anyone get beat up like that.

"Damn." Deja shook her head. "That nigga hands is crazy."

"I know right." I nodded in agreement as we walked.

"It's his first week back and he already getting into shit." Deja shook her head.

"Who's?" I asked confused as to who the winning guy was.

"Kofi." She said and my eyes grew large.

No wonder he was being so ruthless and was fighting the guy like he wanted to kill him.

Kofi was a scary guy and I pray that I never have to cross paths with him because I wouldn't be able to say a single word to him.

He just beat the mess out of this guy. How do you even have drama on your first week of school?

Everyone seemed to be reminiscing on the fight that had just occurred minutes ago all throughout the day.

Who would even be brave enough to fight someone who just got out of jail?

Who would be brave enough to fight Kofi period.

He was a careless guy who obviously didn't care about how anyone felt and I started to wonder if he didn't mind knocking people out of existence. I wouldn't be surprised. It seems like he could kill a man with his bare hands.

It stunned me how people just walked around talking all about it. He might end up hurting them just for speaking on it.

The rest of the day, no one saw either of the guys from that morning. But they sure did continue to talk about the fight.

I hope they both got expelled or something because I wouldn't enjoy going to school with either of them any longer.

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