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The next morning Zaidee was the first to wake up. She was actually glad because she wanted the time to herself. She was feeling a little bit better about what had happened the night before, but she was deciding not to think on it too much because she knew she would end up in a negative space.

Staying the night at Kofi's place was nice and all, but now she was just ready to get away from him. She was ready to go to Deja's house and just hang out with her.

She took a shower and completed her normal morning routine before getting dressed in some jeans and a sweater. She had some bruises on her stomach, back, and legs that were making her think about the previous night.

Her face wasn't too messed up, thanks to the ice pack and frozen peas, she was able to make the swelling on her lip go down and her bruises weren't so prominent.

After being up alone for about an hour, she left the bathroom and went back in Kofi's bedroom, seeing Deja awake looking at something on her phone.

"Morning my love." Zaidee smiled at her while plopping down on the bed. She grabbed her phone off the charger and unlocked it.

"Damn, how long you been up?" Deja looked at Zaidee with a confused expression, seeing that she was fully dressed and her hair was done.

"Probably like an hour." Zaidee shrugged her shoulders.

"Kofi ugly ass up yet?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm up. Get yo' ugly ass out my bed. You might got fleas." Kofi barged into the room in just some basketball shorts.

"Boy shut the fuck up." Deja rolled her eyes. "I'll get up when I get good and ready." She made herself comfortable by laying back down and placing her hands behind her head.

She closed her eyes and let a smile play on her face.

Kofi mugged her before thumping her hard in the forehead, causing her to jump up and hold her forehead.

"Nigga what the fuck?!" She mugged him.

Zaidee watched them with an amused expression on her face.

"Get. Yo. Ugly. Ass. Out. My. Damn. Bed." Kofi repeated while glaring at her.

"Deja hurry up and take a shower so we can leave." Zaidee was ready to leave, plus she was hungry and she just knew Kofi didn't have anything.

"Yeah hurry up." Kofi said.

After rolling her eyes at Kofi, Deja hopped out of the bed and grabbed her bag, heading for Kofi's guest bathroom.

After her shortly lived weekend with Deja, Zaidee was back at home. Deja had just dropped her off and she was heading upstairs with her bag in hand.

She got her keys out just in case the door was locked, but to her luck, when she twisted the doorknob, it was unlocked.

She pushed the door open and barely made her way inside.

"Where the fuck have you been little girl?" Jenna was waiting for her at the door. Literally.

Her eyes went wide since she was a little startled. She eyed Jenna with a 'girl what's wrong with you?' expression on her face.

"I was at Deja's." Zaidee shrugged while walking all the way inside the apartment and shutting the door behind her.

"Oh really? Is that where you really was at?" Jenna placed her hands on her thick hips and kept her eyes glued to Zaidee.

Zaidee furrowed her eyebrows. She was starting to think her aunt was on some type of drugs or something. "Yeah. I'm positive. She just dropped me off." Zaidee nodded her head.

"If that's the truth then why Nia tell me she seen you leaving that party with that ugly ass boy?" Jenna snaked her neck.

"Tell me why Nia can't seem to mind her damn business?" Zaidee thought to herself.

"First of all." Zaidee pointed at her, "Me, you, and a whole lot of other people know that he is not ugly. Second of all, yeah I did leave with him. Me and Deja stayed over at his place Friday and then we left Saturday morning." She shrugged her shoulders.

Jenna slit her eyes at her. "Listen here little bitch. Don't be pointing no finger at me. And don't be doing all that first of all shit with me. I swear Zaidee, you just wont stop until I beat your ass."

Zaidee was almost too confused. "Why are you so mad? You talking about me leaving the party with him, do you even know who your kids left the party with? Do you even know where they are right now?" Zaidee shot back.

"Bitch you just think you grown huh?! Don't worry about my kids! Keep in mind that you still staying under my motherfucking roof bitch." Jenna pointed her finger in Zaidee's face.

"I actually don't think I'm grown. You need to act grown. You're always arguing with me about my business. Got sit down somewhere and read a book, or better yet, go find your kids. You wonder how Tia ended up pregnant and hid it from you. You worried about the wrong person." Zaidee pushed her aunt's finger out of her face.

Jenna opened her mouth to say something, but Zaidee quickly stopped her. "Not trying to be too disrespectful but I'm done talking to you." She said before turning on her heels and heading down the hallway, to her room.

Once she was inside, she locked the door and tossed her bag on her bed.

"Bitch!" Her aunt wiggled her doorknob recklessly. "Don't be locking no doors in this house! You don't pay no damn bills!" Her aunt yelled from the other side.

"Umm, I think me and you both know that I pay some of those bills, if not all." Zaidee shot back with an annoyed expression.

"And what does a locked door have to do with a bill?"

Her aunt was quiet for a while. Zaidee took that opportunity to go ahead and unpack her bag.

Before she could get much done, her aunt was yelling again. "I want you out of my house within the next two weeks!" She yelled before walking off.

Zaidee rolled her eyes. Her aunt knew she was depending on Zaidee's checks so Zaidee decided she was just going to see how things played out.

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