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Zaidee sat up, slowly falling asleep. It was about two in the morning and even though she had planned to go to sleep early last night, she didn't go to sleep until about twelve because she was helping Kofi pack.

"Open yo' damn eyes up. I told yo' ass to go to sleep 'round nine. You tried to stay up to boss me around. Look at you, slumped." Koby had stayed up since he wasn't even tried after packing, nor did he see the point of a two hour nap. He'd just sleep on the plane.

Zaidee threw her weight backwards, lying down flat on her back. Her eyes were still closed as she tried to go back to bed.

Their flight was at four but the had a lengthy drive and they needed to go get something to eat before they headed to the airport.

Deciding to give her just a few more minutes of sleep, Kofi went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He took a quick shower and hopped out, washing his face, brushing his teeth, and cleaning up his beard afterwards. He stepped back into the bedroom seeing that Zaidee was still knocked out. He got dressed in some black and white Adidas sweats and a white shirt with Adidas written in black to match. On his feet were some all white Adidas.

"Zai get up." He called out, walking over to the side of the bed where she slept. When she only moved around a little he snatched the covers off of her causing her eyes to open. She looked at him like he was crazy.

"What the world?!" She tried to grab the cover but Kofi balled it up in his hands.

"Get yo' ass up, our flight in thirty minutes you got us late as hell." He told her in a serious tone. He watched her eyes grow big and she jumped up.

"Kofi why would you let me sleep that late?! And you really got on a whole outfit!" She rambled off at the mouth as she dashed into the bathroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face. She had never planned to get dressed for the plane ride, she was going on her pajamas. Just not the ones she had on.

She found the bedroom empty as she switched out her shorts for some pajama pants and a white sweater. She put on her UGG moccasins and some deodorant before calling it a fit.

She hadn't had the time before so she grabbed her phone to see if they'd missed their flight. Her eyes landed on her lock screen and it read 3:02.

Just as she realized what he'd done Kofi came strolling into the room. "Kofi why the hell did you lie? Really had me panicking for no reason."

Kofi let out a laugh, checking his self out in the mirror. "I knew that would make yo' ass hurry up. You ready? Cam already outside and I already put our stuff up." He turned and looked at her, taking in what she had on. He knew she had dressed to sleep on the plane.

Zaidee looked around the room making sure she didn't spot anything she forgot to pack. "Are you bringing your AirPods on the plane?" She asked him.

He rolled his eyes at her and let out out a breath. "Why?"

"I wanna use them and are you bringing your portable charger and did you—" she was stopped mid-sentence as Kofi waved his hand in her face.

"I'm bringin' my shit, for me. Not for us. Take yo' own stuff."

Zaidee raised her eyebrows. "I would've been better off without the attitude. But alright." She folded her arms over her chest and grabbed her charger out of the wall before walking out.

Kofi did another look around after she left out, double checking the he didn't leave anything. Once he was sure, he left out too, locking up behind him.

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