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Zaidee held an ice pack on her face while she sat on Kofi's couch under a blanket. She was staring at the blank tv, letting her mind drift back to what had just happened. She was still shocked about the fact that it was Andre and that it was evident that he had planned on doing that to her. She was also shocked that he even brought three other men and let one of them record everything.

She felt humiliated and wanted to just go to sleep so that she could rest her body that was still sore, but she couldn't. She was almost afraid to go to sleep. She was still replaying everything over in her mind even though she didn't want to. It was the only thing that she could think about.

She wanted to push away the fact that she'd almost been raped tonight. She didn't want to dwell on it, but anybody that was in a situation like that, wether their attacker succeeded or not, the victim was prone to remember it forever.

She felt her phone vibrate in her lap and she tore from her thoughts, picking it up. She saw that it was Deja asking if she wanted her to come stay with her.

Zaidee wanted to say yes, but she also wanted to make sure it was okay with Kofi first.

She moved the blanket and stood to her feet, immediately feeling some of her bones start to ache. She started towards Kofi's room, where she had last seen him go.

"Kofi..." She called out as she entered his room, not seeing him.

She checked his bathroom and he wasn't there either. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to walk out when he appeared in the doorway.

She jumped and dropped her ice pack before quickly picking it up.

"C-can Deja come over here and stay with me?" She asked him in a soft tone since her throat was still hurting from her screaming.

Kofi made his way past her and into his room. "Yeah tell her to hurry up." He nodded and Zaidee watched as he walked over to his closet, pulled it open and retrieved a black duffel bag.

"Can I get a different ice pack? This one is just cold water now." She shook the square shaped pack in her hand.

Hearing him let out a sigh, she frowned. "I don't got another one. Tell Deja to bring you some peas or something." He unzipped the duffel bag and started going through the things that were inside of it.

"Do you want me to just go over to Deja's?" She asked him.

Kofi furrowed his eyebrows. "Thought you wanted to stay with me?" He glanced her.

Zaidee shrugged. "I did, but you don't seem like you want me here."  She said honestly.

"What you mean?" Kofi zipped up the duffel bag and threw it to the side before going into his closet and retrieving another one.

"Every time I say something you let out a long sigh like you're annoyed with me or something." She turned her attention to the bags.

Kofi stopped what he was doing and glared at her. "I'm not annoyed. I'm just frustrated about some other shit. My attitude not meant to be towards you." He said before turning his attention back to what he was doing previously.

Zaidee nodded before heading back to the couch. She got back under her blanket and texted Deja, telling her to come and bring some frozen peas with her.

She turned her phone off and stared at the plain walls. She was still trying to figure out why Andre had done this. She thought they were good. She was actually starting to like him and his sweet ways, but obviously he had different intentions.

She was beyond grateful for both Deja and Kofi for coming to her rescue. She was too scared to go to Deja's house afterwards because she was still shaken up from everything. The only reason she wasn't as shaken up now was because Kofi's place was quiet. The only reason she wanted to go with Kofi was because she wanted to feel like she was protected and like no one could harm her for the rest of the night. She knew she couldn't get that feel of protection from Deja, but she knew she could get it from Kofi.

She wasn't making plans to get back with him, she just wanted to make sure that she was safe and protected.

She was torn from her thoughts again as her phone vibrated in her lap.

She picked it up and seen it was from an unknown number.

This Martez 😘. Nah fr tho I hope you good Zai & don't worry because ya boy will be kickin some ass tonight‼️👊🏾🚫🧢. Save my # and let me know if u need some. Sleep tight and some bout a bed bug bite🤙🏾💁🏾‍♂️

Zaidee smiled at the text and saved Tez's number before thanking him and telling him goodnight.

She made herself comfortable before staring at the ceiling. She wanted desperately to forget about tonight's events, but she knew that it would be impossible to forget about it.

She grabbed the melted ice pack and left the living room, going into the kitchen and placing it back in the freezer.

Upon exiting the kitchen, she ran into Kofi who was now dressed in a different outfit.

"Are you about to leave?" She asked.

Kofi nodded while walking around her. "Yeah, after Deja get here."

Zaidee stayed silent as she took her seat back on the couch. Soon, Deja arrived.

Letting her in and locking the door behind her, Zaidee grabbed the bag of peas from her hand and sat on the couch.

"Are you feeling better?" Deja asked with a concerned look on her face as she took a seat not too far from her.

Zaidee held the peas on her face and nodded. "Yeah I feel a little better."

Kofi came up the hallway with one of the duffel bags in his hand. "I'm out. Don't let nobody in." He looked at the both of them.

"Where are you going?" Zaidee asked curiously.

"To handle them niggas." Kofi glared at her for a few seconds before quickly leaving out and locking the door from the outside.

Zaidee's mouth fell open a little as she looked over at Deja. "Is he gonna kill them?" She asked.

Deja shrugged. "I don't know but I really hope he do because that shit him and them niggas pulled is not cool nor acceptable."

Zaidee remained quiet as shock was still evident on her face.

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