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Netflix and Chill?

Zaidee had came home with Deja, they hung out for a little bit and an hour later Deja was heading home. Deja lived in a middle class neighborhood with both her mother and father and they loved to spoil her since her older brother had already moved out and she was the only child left in the house, plus she was their babygirl.

Hearing her phone ringing, Zaidee slowly opened her eyes and grabbed her phone off the charger, answering it.


"Yo' get ready, I'm on my way now." Kofi said quickly before hanging up.

She sat unmoved for a minute or two. She was kind of confused and sleepy. She rubbed her eyes before checking the time.


Throwing her thin blanket off of her she let her feet touch the floor and she went into the bathroom.

About fifteen minutes later she was out of the shower, and had redone her morning routine. Her wet, curly hair was in a tight low bun.

She could hear her cousins in the living room watching tv and talking while she rushed back into her room in her robe, shutting and locking her bedroom door. As soon as she turned to grab some clothes her phone began ringing again. Grabbing it she noticed that it was Kofi. She let out a sigh before answering the phone.

"Hello?" She was finally able to get the word out without him cutting her off.

"This the third time I called. What you doin'? I'm outside." He spoke while sitting in his truck and scoping out his surroundings.

Zaidee twisted her mouth to the side before opening up her small closet door and quickly grabbing some black leggings.

"Yeah, I'm coming." She just nodded, not really feeling like telling him she had just got out the shower, fixed her hair, and was now about to get dressed.

"Well hurry yo' ass up then. A nigga need some food." Kofi said before hanging up.

Zaidee began to wonder why he didn't know how to properly end a phone conversation. He could at least say bye so it didn't feel like he was hanging up in her face.

She scanned the small closet before grabbing a random t shirt. She wasn't going to attempt to look overly nice since they were only going to his house and watching a movie.

She threw on the clothes and slid on her black and white Vans. Since it was getting colder by the day she grabbed a jacket and slid it on.

She grabbed her phone before leaving out of her room. On her way to the front Tia and Nia had their eyes her.

"And just where are you going?" Tia asked while rubbing on her growing belly.

Zaidee spoke as she kept walking, already knowing that Kofi was already waiting for her.

"With Deja." She lied before opening the door and speedily walking out. She jogged down the steps and it didn't take long for her to spot out his vehicle in the parking lot.

Getting in she immediately began shivering. It was colder inside the car than it was outside. She was wondering if there was something wrong with him since he had on a short sleeved shirt.

"Uh, hi." She broke the silence and then pulled on her seat belt before he pulled off.

"What the hell took you so long? I called you 'bout five times." Kofi spoke up as his attention was split, on his phone and the road.

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