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"What the freak is wrong with y'all?!" Zaidee snapped as she sat in the backseat of her aunt's car, looking at her twin cousins who sat in the front.

"What are you talking about?" Nia looked at her like she was crazy.

"I told y'all I couldn't come here! And look at where we are." Zaidee looked out and could see all the people who had come to hang out at the courts

Tia smirked but hid it from Zaidee. "We just need to go tell our friend something." Tia shrugged.

Zaidee looked at her sideways. "I thought you said you needed me to go do something?" She pointed to her self.

"We do." Nia nodded. "Just get out."

Zaidee felt her stomach doing flips and she quickly shook her head. "No! I can't believe y'all." She sunk down in her seat.

"Girl just get out. Either you can get out or we can go find Kofi out here somewhere and tell him you're here even though he told you not to come." Tia rolled her eyes. She was gonna make sure Kofi saw her either way.

Zaidee wanted to cry and scream at the same time. "I swear y'all are some messy hoes." She spat while eyeing them with hate.

She didn't even feel comfortable getting out of the car. She had on some yoga shorts that were too short and tight in her opinion, a white fitted t shirt, and some sneakers. There were a lot of shirtless guys out there.

"Why do I even have to get out? What am I gonna do?" She looked at them.

"Mama said we can't leave you in the car." Nia shrugged.

"What the hell?" She cursed for the second time.

They were shocked because she never cursed; well they had never heard her curse.

"Yeah. Same thing we said." Tia used her phone to make sure she looked more than presentable.

Zaidee looked out of her window once more and then opened her door. "You guys have five minutes or I'm telling Aunt Jenna that Tia is pregnant." She threatened and both of the girls gasped.

"How did you know?" Tia asked.

"Don't worry about it. Come on." She got out the car and shut her door.

"Bitch how did she find out?!" Tia whisper-yelled at Nia.

"Hoe I don't know! Let's just get out and tell Kylie we're here." Nia said.

Tia sighed but nodded. "I hope he drag her ugly ass." She said while looking at a panicky Zaidee.

"Right. Kylie had her eye on him first so she need to back the fuck back." Nia rolled her eyes before pushing her door open.

Zaidee looked down at her phone to occupy her attention and so that she had a reason to not look up.

"Zaidee What the hell?" Deja came up to her.

Nia and Tia took that time to sneak off.

Zaidee frowned and fumbled with her fingers. "I know Deja. They tricked me into coming up here. We were supposed to be going to the store."

"Them hoes so trifling. You want me to run you home before you be spotted?" Deja said lowly while looking around.

"Please." Zaidee nodded.

Zaidee followed behind Deja and they maneuvered through the people and she didn't bother to look for Kofi because she didn't want to end up seeing him.

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