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"I won't be able to meet up with y'all this week. I'm flying back home while I don't have classes. But I can still do the report part and share it with y'all."

"Do you really have to fly out this week though? Or not even that, but like you can't just meet with the group tomorrow then go home?"

Zaidee stared at the guy who had just spoken then looked at the other three people that were apart of her group.

"Yeah I do, can't push it back, sorry not sorry." She gave him a tight, closed mouth smile.

"And if you don't turn your part in like you're claiming you're going to all the way from home?" A girl from her group spoke.

"If I don't do it then that's on me. Everybody just make sure they do their parts and everything should be great." She wasn't understanding why they were so worried about her. Everyone had their own individual part of the presentation to take care of, so she figured everybody should just worry about them.

"Y'all get off Zaidee back, she always do her work." She felt a strong arm fall over her shoulder.

"Thank you Hakeem. I always handle my business." Her and Hakeem were the only two black people in the group. She had two other classes with him but she didn't know any of the other people in her group.

"You know I got you Zaidee. They don't trust us cause we black." Hakeem mumbled the last part causing Zaidee to laugh.

"You stupid." She shook her head.

"You know I'm right though." He played with his dreads and smiled at her, showing off his perfect teeth.

Hakeem was a football player. He was pretty tall and pretty built. He was light skinned with some very long dreads and some hazel colored eyes. He was used to females flocking to him for both his looks and because he was an athlete.

"Well I have to go. Are we gonna make the group chat or...?" Zaidee spoke up, looking around at everyone.

"Yeah." A girl said.

It took them about three minutes to get each other's numbers saved and get the group chat made. Then Zaidee was ready to head to her dorm.

"Wait where my hug atttt?" Hakeem held his arms out just after Zaidee had gotten ready to walk away.

Zaidee gave him a confused look before waving. "I'm in a relationship sir, I told you this on the first day. He is not friendly." She didn't feel comfortable hugging Hakeem because she felt like he didn't care about the fact that she was in a relationship. She knew that Kofi had already told her to watch how she conversed with and acted around the guys up there. She felt like the guys up there were only after one thing anyways.

Hakeem groaned like he was annoyed. "So tired of hearing 'bout this nigga. All I want is a hug but nooo. Zaidee in a relationship and her nigga not nice." He mocked her in a playful tone. "Shit I ain't nice either." He patted his chest and Zaidee just looked the other way.

"Two different definitions." She mumbled. "Well, bye." She wasn't interested in staying in his presence any longer. The walk back to her dorm was about fifteen minutes.

"Bye Zaidee." He waved his fingers at her and she walked away while directing her attention to her phone. She went to her contacts and called Kofi.

She still had about four hours until Cam was coming to pick her up. Kofi's flight should've landed about three hours ago.

"Yeah?" She heard him answer.

"Kofi what time is it?" She asked him rhetorically.

"Bout three why?" He answered after a few seconds.

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