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I'm sorry but I just have this audacity to do some kind of time skip so that things don't move too slow. Nothing too major though.

Two Months Later

"I don't know, do you think it's too early to be having a mental breakdown?" Zaidee wiped at her watery eyes and looked across the room at her roommate. She was a skinny white girl who tanned every other week and drunk Starbucks faithfully every morning. She got on Zaidee's nerves sometimes with the amount of guys she had in and out of their dorm.

She felt like if she had sex with someone under a blanket that the other person couldn't possibly know what was going on. It was either that, or she just assumed that Zaidee didn't care, or she just didn't have any respect for her. But Zaidee figured it was the first reason.

The girl pressed her lips together, spreading her pink lip gloss before wildly shaking her head. "Totally not. I thought second grade was hard." She let out a breath. "Nothing beats this. And it's surprising because after my third time doing second grade I thought that I had this school thing in the bag. Guess not." The girl shrugged and Zaidee had to force herself to keep a civil facial expression.

"I thought you said your work wasn't due until Friday. Not sure if you had time to check the date today, it's only Tuesday. You're super smart you could probably just do it all Friday. Use the week to relax." Amelia urged her. Zaidee was listening to her, but she knew she wasn't going to ever follow Amelia's advice. She was convinced that Amelia had come to college just to experience the party life side of it. They didn't have the same priorities at all.

Zaidee just looked back down at her textbook. She felt like there was so much stuff she was trying to cram into her head.

"You're like literally so stressed. You should probably relax with some hot sex. I could hook you up with Alex, you know, the one who—"

"I like literally have a boyfriend." She said in a mocking tone. "Did you forget about the guy who barged in here last week clowning both of us about how small the dorms are?" Zaidee didn't want anything to do with the trail of guys Amelia led.

Amelia held a surprised look on her face. "Oh yeah. The scary one. Let's not call up Alex. You should call him instead. The last he was here was like a week ago and I haven't heard you venting on the phone to him." Amelia paused. "You've been venting to me instead..."

Zaidee dropped her mouth as she looked at her. "You asked me what was wrong! It's not like I said oh my gosh Amelia you have to hear these annoying thoughts running through my head, they're like making me like so sad. You asked and I answered."

Amelia laughed before running a hand through her brown hair. "Got me there! You have my accent so on point it's ridiculous." She grabbed her bag and pulled it over one of her shoulders. "I'll see you later. Duty calls!" She blew Zaidee a kiss before walking out of the door. She thought the way she inserted the words like and literally randomly into her sentences was an accent.

As soon as she left she picked up her phone and FaceTimed Kofi. Their communication had been off for a while because she was immediately bombarded with schoolwork and studying and Kofi was actually busy most of the time. She'd gotten so used to waking up beside him and going to sleep beside him that simply not being able to do those things was making her feel a feeling that wasn't exactly homesick but it was similar.

She stared at her phone as it rung having a feeling that he was gonna be too busy to answer. When he didn't answer she sent him a sad little text before crawling under her covers.

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