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After seeing her twin cousins kiss last night, Zaidee was left disgusted and baffled. She tried to get the thought of her cousins doing sexual things together, while one of them was pregnant, out of her head but she couldn't shake it. She even tried to tell herself she was just seeing things, but she just knew she wasn't.

She had later discovered that the sound of breaking glass, which was the only reason she looked out of her door, was from Tia dropping a plate due to Nia walking up on her.

Were her cousins really doing some nasty shit like that? Were they really???

She sat on her bed, dressed for school and everything, just thinking about it. Why couldn't she have slept about ten minutes longer, and slept through everything?

A sudden knock on her door snapped her from her thoughts. "Kofi outside. I seen him when I went to... get the mail." Nia poked her head in the door looking lovely as always.

Zaidee stared at her for a few seconds. All she could see was this girl kissing her twin sister. Somebody she was born just minutes before. Just kissing her like it was like kissing a girlfriend or boyfriend.

"Nasty ass." Zaidee absentmindedly said while frowning at the girl.

Nia furrowed her eyebrows for a few seconds, confused. "Huh?" She asked for confirmation.

Zaidee blinked a few times before quickly shaking her head. "Nothing. I have to go." She threw her backpack straps over her shoulders and grabbed her phone.

Nia shrugged her shoulders before exiting the girl's room. She knew exactly what Zaidee had said, but she also knew Zaidee couldn't have been talking about her because she wasn't nasty.

Zaidee was a little surprised to hear that Kofi was waiting for her. Last she was aware of, he had disappeared but was okay.

Nonetheless, she was excited to see him. Something about him always brightened her day. But it was the same way when she saw Deja. She assumed it was because they were outside of her home life.

Once she got into Kofi's vehicle she immediately noticed a look of irritation etched across his face.

"Kofi?" She attempted to snap him from his daze.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Kofi responded. "Hm?"

Zaidee stayed quiet for a few seconds as he reversed from his spot and began the route to school.

"Are you gonna tell me why I didn't hear from you all day yesterday?" She asked.

"That's yo' fault. I called but yo' ass was busy I guess." He shrugged his shoulders while focusing on the road.

"That's because I was sleep. And I called you back but you didn't answer." Zaidee spoke while staring at him.

"You shoulda' been up when I called." Kofi shrugged his shoulders again.

"Oh." Zaidee nodded her head and sucked her teeth. It was apparent that he already wasn't having a good day but she wasn't going to let him take his frustration out on her.

The rest of the ride to school was quiet. Mainly because now both of them had an attitude.

As soon as Kofi parked his truck, Zaidee grabbed her stuff and hopped out, not saying anything or looking in Kofi's direction.

She angrily walked past the other students in the parking lot and made her way inside of the school building.

Not even ten feet into the building, she felt an arm go over her shoulder.

"Mikey get off of me." She mumbled noticing the light skin and the familiar tattoos on his forearm.

"Wooooooowwww. How you know it was me?" Mikey held a confident smile on his face.

Zaidee slightly rolled her eyes and shrugged. "I just knew."

"Damn. You got a whole attitude and shit. You ain't get no dick last night?" Mikey furrowed his eyebrows.

Scrunching her face up, Zaidee angrily pushed Mikey's arm off of her and continued walking to her locker.

"Yeah she definitely ain't get no dick last night." Mikey nodded to his self and made his way to Layla's locker.

"Nigga tell me why you walkin' around here looking like somebody upset bitch?" Tez asked Kofi while slightly laughing.

"Nigga shut yo' ass up. I don't look like nobody bitch." Kofi laughed a little.

Yesterday he had to disappear for the day, his uncle had hit him up unexpectedly and him and his cousin had to go off some Mexicans for him. They had to spare one of the guys to lead them to where they kept all their merchandise, then they had to pack all of that up, and take it back to his uncle's warehouse. After that they had another mission. Before any of that even happened his uncle had demanded the both of them to make sure they didn't make any contact with anyone. No phone calls, no text messages, no letters, none of that. His uncle liked to make sure that whenever he had somebody taking care of something for him, they were completely focused and he counted cell phones or any other possible way of communication as a big distraction and he couldn't afford fuck ups. The police were already on the look out for him and they knew what kind of people he targeted, and what kind of people he had beef with. The boys weren't aloud to contact anyone until they were done with everything.

And then after they finished everything Kofi found out his father was trying to get back into his life, through his mother. That had him mad at the world all night, and maybe this morning. His father could die and go to hell and he wouldn't care. He didn't care for his father at all. Not after he left them to basically starve to death. Then this morning his mother called and told him he should at least give his father a call. That made him even more upset and showed that his mother didn't care about how dirty he had done them.

He was slowly forgetting about it though. He was leaving that frustration for when he talked to his mother.

"Yeah right." Tez gave him a look. "I seen Zai lookin' in her feelins' too. She must know about what you did last night?" Tez furrowed his eyebrows.

Kofi shook his head. "Hell no. She ain't gon' find out either."

"How much you wanna bet?" Tez raised his eyebrows. "You know females around here messy as hell. She gon' know before the day over. I bet 50." Tez said assuringly.

"Nigga shut up. The day is over." Kofi mumbled.

"And then you already know she a crybaby. Who knows? She might cut yo' ass off for good." Tez laughed.

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