Chapter 13

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Two month later

Noah's POV

It's been two months since Charlotte confessed about her and Oli's plan. He moved back to Denver using the excuse he just wanted to get away again. But I knew he just didn't want to face his little brother. Laura still hasn't talked to me, the only time I do see her is school, and the club. Since two months ago, Zander understood the problem between me and Laura, so I was allowed into the club without getting my ass handed to me. She has won every fight also, I have tried to say sorry to her but she never forgives me.


"Laura how many times do I have to say sorry?? I have followed you around all day after all our classes." I say walking after her. "I'm sorry, I thought I wasn't good enough for you." She says. Then walks off.

That hurt me when she said that because it wasn't true. I didn't mean to say it, it's getting closer to graduation meaning it's getting closer to prom. I'm walking around school listening to music, trying to think of a way to get Laura back. The guys are still friends with me, but decided to side with Laura. I'm not mad about it, I deserve it. I was walking past her locker, when I decided to talk to the guys.

"Hey guys. Can I talk to you alone??" I ask them. They look at Laura to get her reaction but she has a blank look on her face, and just shrugs her shoulders. We walk a few lockers down to talk.

"Look guys I understand your on Laura's side right now, but please help me. I have been trying to get her to forgive me for two full months now." I say. I was desperate at this point and time. I needed Laura, she was like the only one who could calm me down besides my dad. But he has been working a lot, and my mom has been coming back asking for money.

"Fine." They all day at the same time, we all went to class since we had this one class together, and came up with out plan.

Laura's POV

It's been two months since I beat Charlotte's ass, also since she left. Rumors saying she "changed schools". I walked into the bathroom to fix my sweater I had on. I had on a oversized varsity sweater (Not Noah's) with knee high, high heel boots. I had my hair in a high ponytail. I took some bandages out of my Louie bag, and put it on my knuckles. I have been going to the club like crazy. And if you are wondering from fighting at the club I have made lots of money to get me, Emma, and Grams lots of name brand stuff. I walked out of the bathroom to bump into Liam.

"Laura come with me." He says, he grabs my hand and he starts running dragging me behind him, remember I have heels on. He takes me to the principal's office for some reason.

"Ah Ms.Summers, please sit" Principal Jenny says.

"Ummm Ms.Jenny, why am I here." I ask. The whole group was here Liam, Ethan, Jacob, except Noah.

"I want you guys to perform at prom." She says.

"Oh well that's not my decision to make that's Noah's." I say. I don't know why I have been avoiding him, he isn't the reason we broke up.

"Well the boys here said that you and Noah are co-leaders." She says. I turn to glare at the boys knowing she is right. They just look down to the floor.

"Well yes but again, the both of us have to agre-" I am cut off by the fire alarm going off. Ms.Jenny smiles widely and so do the boys. I then feel a blindfold going over my eyes.

"What the hell is happening." I say.

"Since this is important, I will let the profanity slide." Ms.Jenny says.

"Liam, Jacob, Ethan I swear!!"

"Laura Harper Summers, this is for you." I hear Noah's voice say. The blind fold is taken off and I see the boys on stage in the auditorium, me standing in the middle, and everyone in the senior class sitting in the seats. Then the boys start playing, this brings back memories of when Noah asked me to prom.

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