03 ⦙ Evil Popularity

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I sit with my friends as we watch those dorky group of girls over at the table across from us, I didn't understand how they were popular also except for Y/n.

I mean she was hot, smart, thicc, funny, sweet & could sing but those other assholes didn't deserve it.

"Hey Zion, I've got a bet for you"Mu friend Kyle said. "What is it?"I asked.

"Go on a date with little Miss Perfect Y/n and prank her"He said smirking.

Now around here I was known for winning bets no matter how small they were or how dangerous they were I always won them.

Now if I decide not to do this one I'll be punked, this is my high school reputation it matters.

"I'll do it, so when will the prank be ready"I asked. "By Saturday so ask her out for Saturday night I'll tell you the prank then"He said with a evil smile.

I nodded and got up walking over to Y/n's table as she looked at me with a smile as I stood next to her.

"Hey Y/n I've been wanting to ask you for a while but I'm wondering if maybe you wanted to go out this Saturday with me at about 8?"I said with a smile. "Yeah I'll be ready by then, call me"She said before I turned and walked away as I gave Kyle a thumbs up.

[Date night]

I absolutely hated that I was doing this she's so amazing, but my reputation is worth more then any of that. After we had our date I told her I had a surprise.

"Zion we almost there yet"She said laughing

"Yeah almost"I said frowning as I had her eyes covered as I went to Kyles house as all our friends and even more people were gathered around with their mouths covered ready to laugh.

"Ready?"I asked her as I looked at Kyle and he nodded holding a bucket of feathers

"I'm ready"She said giggling then I pushed her in the pool full of mud and disgusting mixes as they poured the feathers in as she came up and everyone was recording and laughing.

She got out as everyone was historically laughing as she looked at me before leaving out as Kyle was laughing as he patted my back.

"Best one yet"He said as I felt like the shittiest person in the world.

[Next Day]

I went to my first hour as people were trying to high-five me as I sat down and looked at the seat next to me where she sat as she wasn't here. As I sighed and put my head down.

She wasn't at lunch as I knew she wasn't at school at all.

[Next Day]

I got to school as I went in first hour and sat down as I seen her walk in, but she wasn't in her usual clothing. She was in all black with a good over her head, she usually wore bright colors and was always so cheerful. Right now she just looks dead.

I didn't say anything because if I do someone might think I like her or something

As days progressed I noticed Y/n started distancing herself from everyone she didn't even talk to her friends anymore she just sat at a table alone as people would mess with her.

She'd tell them off or get into fights now, but at what cost it was another group lined up behind to keep the cycle going.

One day she didn't come to school and then she just stopped coming. Then I got a package on my doorstep as I went inside and opened it and it was a box of tapes.

Popularity is Evil.

[This was sad and a bad vibe I didn't like it]

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