16 ⦙ Lean Wit Me

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I watched Zion as he slept finally, tonight he had another episode on his need for drugs. Zion has a drug addiction, and In the past I to had one when we first met.

I figured one of us needs to get better for the good of both of us, but Zion just can't get over it yet. I'm trying to help him because he doesn't want to go to rehab and that might be what he needs.

It is what he needs, but I remember how it was for me being alone in there and I feel like for Zion it would be much worse, but my tactics weren't good enough and I'm not home with him all the time I work.

Maybe it's best for him, maybe I'll just start out with him small in a Drug Rehab Circle or something. That's exactly what I'll do tomorrow.


Y/n drove as she told me she was taking me to a drug rehab circle, I know this won't have any affect on me, but hope it does because maybe if it doesn't Y/n will send me to the center instead.

We got there as she walked me in and introduced me as she sat back and observed, just to see how everything goes.

I sighed sitting in between an older looking man and woman. As a older white man came in with a slight smile at all of us.

"Today we have someone new joining us today and his name is Zion, everyone say hello to Zion,"He said.

"Hi Zion,"I heard as the voices varied.

"Alright now that we've all become aquatinted let's start off with our prayer, Zion you don't have to join this one if you don't want to,"He said as I nodded as they all linked hands.

They started as I looked back to Y/n giving her a really face as she just nodded as I turned back see them all sitting now.

"Alright, now today's circle discussion is How do you feel when you're on drugs and how do you think the people around you feel when you're on drugs. Young man why don't you start,"He said to me as I started with a sigh.

" Well, the drugs got me sweating but the room getting colder, I feel like I'm looking at the devil and the angel on my shoulder. I think will I die tonight I don't know is it over and I'm looking for my next high and I'm looking for closure,"I said honestly.

" I think people around me feel like I'm a big burden and a drug head, like I'm not useful and I know that it's my fault because I can't put down the drugs. I don't feel like I'm as strong as others when it comes to putting down the drugs. I feel like they hate me, I feel like they think I'm stupid,"I said as I sniffled sighing thinking about Y/n.

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I got down on my knees in front of the circle as I heard Y/n's name being whispered as I felt her holding me as I just sat there crying as she held me.

I felt like I was weak and I needed to change.

I have to change and it's the only way.

[I really didn't like this was I felt as though it wasn't good. ]

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