10 ⦙ Home

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Continuation of Visit


I woke up and looked around to see I was in the coffee shop still, as I looked in front of me to seen a worker bring me a coffee and a small bag.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for sleeping here"I said quickly apologizing.

"It's no problem it seem like you had a hard day anyways, enjoy the coffee and Muffins and smile you're too beautiful to be frowning"She said with a light smile before walking behind the counter as the door chimed open as a customer came in.

I looked at my phone to see many missed calls from all the guys, as I sighed grabbing my things as I waved to the nice lady before walking out.

I walked down to the hotel to see hella fans outside as I seen police and guards holding them off as I showed them my room key before they let me inside.

I walked in going to the elevator as I waited as it opened and I looked up to see Edwin as he quickly pulled me into the elevator hoping the fans didn't see him.

As he was on the phone.

"I got her"He said before hanging up as he pulled me into a tight hug kissing my cheek.

"Thank god you're alright, where were you?!"He asked sounding panicked as he held my waist.

"I had went to the coffee shop down the street to clear my mind and ended up falling asleep there"I said with a sigh before he pulled me back into a hug.

"Don't do that again, if you wanted to clear your mind you could've just came to my room"He said as he pulled away as I gazed into his eyes as we heard the elevator ding.

"Come on the guys were so worried about you"He said grabbing my hand as he lead my out the elevator as we went into Zion's Room.

As soon as we entered we seen the guys sitting around waiting as I looked over on the couch to see Zion with his face in his hands as she's rubbing his back and
I noticed she was in his shirt.

I looked away quickly as the other guys hugged me as I hugged them back gaining a slight scolding from each of them.

Then Zion came over pulling me into a hug tightly as he was lightly crying as I slightly tried pushing him away as he just cried as I just hugged him back.

[Next Day]

I had found out after yesterday Zion had planned for me to stay two more days, along with his girlfriend he introduced me to and after that I realized I couldn't stay here any longer.

I couldn't stand to stay and see him Kissing her, Holding her or just seeing him with her in general. I had these feelings for Zion for the longest and I waited for a while to tell him.

Every time I've wanted to he's always been with someone else, he finally had been single and this was going to be the time I could tell him–or so I thought now I find out he has a girlfriend and I have no chance once again.

I still have enough money to buy a plane ticket to go home, so that's what I'm going to do.

I started packing up as I heard a knock on my door as I opened it to see the person I didn't need to see right now Zion.

I sighed as I continued packing as he closed the door.

"Where are you going?"He asked sitting on the bed.

"I'm going home Zion"I said as he quickly stood back up.

"What why?"He asked as he sat me up stopping me from packing.

"I don't feel like being here anymore and I've already caused enough trouble"I said as I pulled away and continued packing.

"No, I need you here who's going to be by my side supporting me?"He asked sitting me back up.

"Your girlfriend"I said as I pulled away again packing.

"Wow, I'm getting ready to spend my hard earned money just to keep you here and you're just going to leave like that?"He asked sounding pissed.

"I never asked you to Zion"I said.

"You are unbelievable"He said shaking his head.

"Just because I don't want to stay here anymore it's a problem? At least I made an effort to come out and see you!"I yelled pissed.

"Well now I regret it!"He yelled back.

"You know what Zion! I'm glad I didn't tell you how I felt about you and I'm glad I seen you and her last night. You are nothing but a complete asshole!"I yelled as I felt my eyes starting to sting as I realized what I told him.

"You have feelings for me?"He asked.

"Yeah, Yeah I do"I said with a slight shrug as I sniffled wiping away my tears.

"That's why you don't want to stay, because of her and I"He said realizing.

"Y/n–You know I'll always care about you but I-"

"Just don't say it Zion I already know"I said as I felt that pain in my heart once again.

I turned away as I started packing again as I felt myself being pulled into Zion's chest with his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry"He whispered as I started feeling the tears spill.

[3 Months Later]

I sat at home on my couch with my dog Duke on my lap as I heard a knock on the door as I sat him down getting up.

I walked over to the door as I opened it, as a smile crept onto my face.

"Hey Y/n"He said with that amazing smile as he held roses in his hand.

I giggled looking at him before I finally responded.

"Hey Edwin"

[Boom y'all part two right here ❤️]

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