Chapter 1

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My alarm goes off and I hit snooze and roll back over and start to drift back to sleep, but then my phone starts ringing and I groan again. "Who the fuck is calling me." I mumble sleepily. I answer my phone resting it on my face near my ear "Hello?"

"Sis get your ass up you are late and today is the interview" Namjoon's deep voice comes through my phone and I sit up and jump out of bed.

"WHAT?!? SHIT I'LL BE THERE IN 20" I hang up, throwing my phone on my bed and running across my room to my closet and quickly getting dressed, I decide against doing my own makeup today because it will take too long.

"WHAT?!? SHIT I'LL BE THERE IN 20" I hang up, throwing my phone on my bed and running across my room to my closet and quickly getting dressed, I decide against doing my own makeup today because it will take too long

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I quickly hop in my car and drive to work, using the stairs instead of the elevator. I skid to a stop in-front of the room I'm needed in and compose myself before walking in. "Sorry I'm late I hit snooze one too many times." I bow in apology before quickly walking over to my work station and setting things up.

"It's alright Mi Na you are only 15 minutes late, the boys aren't even ready for us yet." My co-worker and boss ensures me. I breathe a sigh of relief and keep organizing my things that I need for the day.

About 20 minutes later the boys come in and Namjoon walks over to me and shoves a breakfast bar in my mouth before I can object. "I know you skipped breakfast so eat." He walks over to the couch and plays on his phone waiting for his stylist to call him over. 

I quickly eat the breakfast bar and motion for Yoongi oppa to come and sit so I can get to work. "Mi Na-ssi I'm eating." Yoongi mumbles tiredly and with his mouth full.

"Oh, sorry" I bow slightly and awkwardly move stuff around on my station. I hear Hoseok chuckle from beside me and I turn my head and glare at him slightly before turning back around. When Yoongi finishes eating and plops in my chair and closes his eyes letting me get to work. "Noona I like your hoodie." I hear Jungkook from across the room.

"Thank you Jungkook-ssi" I feel Yoongi's hand slide up the back of my leg when I turn around to grab the flat iron and I quickly move away from him before anyone sees. 

When I turn around and start slightly curling his hair in the front I give him a look that tells him to watch it before we get caught. He smirks at me and wraps his big ass hand *insert internal scream* around my upper thigh when no one is paying attention and whispers "Normal place. tonight. Please?" I nod and he lets go of my leg and lets me finish styling his hair.

"Mi Na are you done with Yoongi?" my co-worker questions.

"Ummm Yeah almost." I finish curling the last piece "Yeah now i'm done what do you need?"

"Can you finish Hoseok up for me please Minseok never showed up so I need to take care of Namjoon?" Yoongi moves from my chair and goes and sits on the couch playing on his phone.

"Yeah I can." I pat my chair and Hoseok comes and sits down. "whats his look supposed to be for today Unnie?" I ask so that I don't get yelled at later if I mess up.

"Natrual makeup, light lip tint and hair fringed" I nod and start braiding his still wet hair. 

"You know you guys should really be careful I saw that little interaction" Hoseok whispers when I lean over his shoulder to grab a rubber band.

I roll my eyes and mumble under my breath "As long as no one else saw I don't care Hobi" He huffs and flicks my hand.

"Well you should dumb ass do you want to get fired?" I lower my head.

"No I don't Hobi, I'll be more careful I promise so shut up and let me work" He rolls his eyes and starts playing on his phone while I finish his hair. I move on to his make up forcing him to close his eyes and every time I have to tilt his head I do so playfully harsh and he pinches my leg every time I do. When I finish his make up I blow dry the braids the quickly running a flat iron over them and take them out and turn the chair to face Jisoo "Unnie, did I do what was planned?" she looks up and gives Hoseok's face and hair a quick look over.

"Yeah, you nailed it Mi Na good job."

I bow my head and turn the flat iron off "Thank you Unnie."

She nods "You can go on a short break and clean up your station later." 

I nod and run off thanking her as I leave the room. I go to pull my phone out of my back pocket and panic when I don't feel it. I start to feel the rest of my pockets and groan in frustration when I realize my phone is still on my bed where I threw it this morning after I woke up late. "Fuck me, Jae Eun is going to kill me"

"I one would gladly fuck you and two why is little miss smalls going to kill you?"

I jump and when I turn around and see Yoongi I slap his chest "What the fuck Yoongi, you scared the shit out of me and would you watch how loud you are? Im not trying to lose my job."

He chuckles and shakes his head at me "You won't lose your job Namjoon wouldn't let that happen."

I sigh and walk to the break room Yoongi following me "What do you want Yoongi."

"You never answered my second question, why is smallz going to kill you?"

I pour a cup of coffee and pour creme and sugar in it. "Because I woke up late and left my phone at home and Jae Eun was supposed to take me to lunch today and she'll kill me if she gets here and can't find me and I don't answer my phone"

Yoongi nods and leans on the counter, "So we are on for tonight at yours right?" I take a sip of my coffee and almost spit it out when he asks that so loudly and openly

"Yes, Yoongi now go, I'm not supposed to be friendly with you, let alone in the company building so shoo." I move my hand in a shoo motion and sip at my coffee.

He rolls his eye and leaves but not before pinching my cheek playfully and I shake my head and mumble "You are such an ass" I finish my coffee and go back to the dressing room to clean up my station

"Mi Na is something going on between you and Yoongi-ssi?"Jisoo asks I internally panic but I keep a calm look on my face and shake my head while wrapping up the flat iron chord.

"No, Why?"

"Well I walked passed the break room and saw him pinch your cheek which he's never like that with anyone else except for the members so.."

I chuckle "Oh that? Me and Yoongi knew each other when we were like ten until he moved to Seoul, he's always been like that with me he just doesn't do it in front of anyone else because I guess he doesn't want people to know we're friends." I shrug at the last part of my sentence.

Jisoo nods "I guess I can understand that, I'll keep your secret for you"

I also nod and finish cleaning the makeup brushes and sponges I used today "Thank you Unnie." I sigh in relief once she leaves and think to myself "Quick thinking Mi Na, good lie, that was close". I finish up and grab my notebook and quickly going upstairs where a meeting is being held to discuss the next look and theme for the next comeback.  

A/N: okay I know this was probably not the best chapter but hopefully it will get better the more I write, please let me know your thoughts throughout the book so I can improve> 

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