Chapter 24

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Around noon I leave to take Bella to the vet and we are there for an hour, between waiting and Bella getting scared because she hates needles. I get back to the office around two because I stopped for lunch at a dog friendly cafe, I plop in my chair with a sigh and then there is a knock at my door "Come in."

I sit up straight and Jisoo comes in "Mi Na, I have this for you it was on Lia's station."

I take the envelope from her "She quit? Are you kidding me, she was one of the best." I sigh and toss the envelope on my desk "Great now I have to find someone else, on top of these outfits and I haven't even touched the make-up designs. Unnie how did you do this?"

I run my hands over my face and Jisoo chuckles "I made it work and so will you, if you want I can handle finding someone so you don't have to stay late working on putting applications somewhere." Jisoo offers.

I nod and turn on my tablet "Thank you Unnie, I just need to finish this last outfit and then I can go and spend time with Yoongi, hopefully, if he doesn't get caught up in his studio." I sigh and keep drawing.

Jisoo chuckles and sits in the chair across from me "How is that by the way? You and Yoongi, I uh heard about what happened between you guys, Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung were pretty upset."

I sigh and shrug "Right now everything is okay, he admitted that he was in the wrong, he apologized and while I'm still upset about the way things played out we still love each other and that is what matters" I start choosing colors to fill in the design with with a sigh.

"Well what even happened, if I may ask, I only heard that you guys fought really bad over that whole thing."

I shake my head "It's fine, I trust you, plus I don't have very many friends it's hard to trust people with Namjoon being my brother." Jisoo nods in understanding "But anyway, I had gone to the store after work to get groceries and stuff to make dinner and snacks, try to distress Yoongi from the long day I knew he had."

She smiles "That's sweet."

I chuckle "Yeah I try, but I ran into a childhood friend, literally, I bumped into some and I was apologizing when I looked up and there was someone who was another brother to me that I hadn't seen in four years, the last time I had seen him was at his wedding so he walked with me through the store and then we went to a cafe and sat to catch up over some coffee. Apparently people saw us at the store and then followed us to the cafe and posted articles saying that I was cheating on Yoongi. Yoongi saw those articles on his way home and was pissed when he came home, he didn't ask my brother or my bestfriends if they knew what my relationship with Sungmin Oppa is, he had just assumed I was cheating, so when he walked in the door and I noticed something was wrong he went off didn't even let me speak til I told him to shut up, He told me before I could even explain to leave, so I did, after explaining, I grabbed Bella and my keys and left. A week later he shows up at the dorm and almost begged for forgiveness, well he did just he never verbally begged, he begged with his eyes, at that point I just missed him, I wasn't mad anymore because I knew how it looked to people who don't know my history with him, so I mean we're okay now."

Jisoo nods as I talk and sighs when I'm done "It's good that you guys made up, but there are always going to be arguments like that, eventually they will die down but they will still happen, he'll get overworked and you'll feel neglected and that will cause arguments, his stress going through the roof will make him snap and that will cause arguments, among many other things. But the most important thing that you always have to remember is that you two love each other. That's the most important part, always remember that okay?"

She sighs and I nod "Thank you Unnie. how do you know so much?" I smile slightly and keep trying to find the right colors

"I had friends who dated idols and I dated one, a long time ago" She gets up "Well you finish that up and then go home." I nod and she leaves.

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