Chapter 13

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I wake up before Yoongi the next morning and make breakfast and coffee then go upstairs and wake Yoongi up "Babe, come on, get up, you gotta eat and get to work."

He groans and sits up rubbing his face "Cute, now come on I have coffee and food waiting for you."

He takes my hand and I lead him downstairs and set food in-front of him and then coffee and sit down myself. My phone dings and I check it and groan and chug my coffee "I have a meeting, I need to shower and get ready, finish your food." He tries to say something but I run upstairs and get in the shower. I quickly shower and do my hair and now I'm standing in my closet, in my bra and underwear, having trouble picking what I'm going to wear and I hear Yoongi come upstairs and he backhugs me. "Whatcha doing just standing here, baby?"

"I can't decide what to wear Yoongi, helppp."

He chuckles and lets me go looking around my closet and picks and few things out and hands them to me "Here now get dressed and do your make-up and lets go to work" I hum and peck his lips as a thank you. I get dressed and so does Yoongi and we get in the car stopping for more coffee on the way and I peck his lips when we get there and then get upstairs as quickly as possible so I'm not late. 

<Just with Adidas> 

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<Just with Adidas> 

My meeting lasts about 2 hours and then me and the rest of the stylists are allowed to leave so that we can go with the boys to their fan meet event. I end up having to ride with the boys because they had room and we had some extra people in the staff van, Yoongi drags me next to him and kisses my cheek. "Babe, I forgot to say it but you have amazing taste, thank you."

He smiles and pecks my lips "Of course I have amazing taste I picked you."

I hear one of the boys fake gag "Seriously you two? Yoongi when are you ever this soft?" He throws an ice cube at Hoseok. "All the time, just cause I'm an ass to you doesn't mean anything."

I giggle "Sorry that I make him happy Hobi." He rolls his eyes at me playfully and both of us smile. We get let out of the van at the back entrance of the venue and they boys go and get dressed then come see us, I fix Yoongi's clothes and he sits down and I do his hair and make-up "Alright, shoo and go over your stuff for today." He gets up and pecks my lips quickly before walking away with a smug smile on his face and I blush.

"Mi Na we need you to work as part of the stage staff today, move fans along when they take to long and taking stuff from the boys when they have too much in- front of them."

I nod "Yeah, I can do that Unnie."

"Oh you also have to stay with Jimin or Tae we don't want the fans to suspect something between you and Yoongi."

I nod "Yeah I understand." I clean up my stuff and fix my hair.

Yoongi comes up behind me. "Princess you look great you don't have to fix anything."

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