Chapter 36

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* 5 months later *

I'm now 8 months pregnant and I can pop any day now. The boys are in the middle of promotions for their new album. Jae and Hoseok have actually been staying with us the past week so that if I start having contractions when Yoongi isn't home, Jae can get me to the hospital. Right now I'm sitting on the couch watching a cooking show. "HEY JAE!"




I put a heating pad on my stomach on low when babygirl starts moving and kicking alot, it calms her down. Jae comes in and plugs the pad in and turns it on low and puts it on my stomach "She being really active again?"

I nod and sigh contentedly when she calms down. Her little legs are very powerful it hurts when she kicks alot. Jae sits down next to me and tucks her feet under her. "Hopefully she waits till her daddy is home to decide she wants to be out in the world."

I chuckle and nod in agreement but hiss when she kicks me really hard "Holy shit."

"You okay?"

I take a deep breath and nod "Yeah she just kicked me hella hard at the mention of her father." I hear the door open "Speak of the devil." Yoongi and Hoseok come in and plop on the couch.

Yoongi lays his head on my leg then turns and kisses my belly "How are my girls?"

"Good, she missed her daddy though, so did I."

Yoongi chuckles and sits up and pecks my lips "Well I missed you guys too."

Hoseok coughs and Jae fake gags "Shut up you two." I take the heating pad off my stomach and turn it off.

I feel her kick a little, more gentle this time though. "Yoongi."

"Hmm?" I take his hand and put it over where shes kicking and he smiles "Have you been nice to mommy?"

She kicks lightly and he smiles "I'll take that as a yes."

"Well then shes already lying and she hasn't even been born yet, she's been mean since you left."

Yoongi sighs "Baby don't be mean to mommy just because you miss me, daddy still has to work, you have to be nice to mommy." He kisses my stomach and sits up "Have you two eaten?"

Jae and I shake our heads. "Hoseok you want to come help me with dinner?" Hoseok nods and they get up and go to the kitchen.

Jae and I can hear pots and pans clattering in the kitchen and we chuckle "Lets just hope they don't burn the house down."

Jae chuckles in agreement and I grunt and stand up "I have to pee." I start to walk to the bathroom and I feel a sharp pain then liquid run down my leg. "Uh, Jae I think my water just broke."

"Oh shit. BAAAAABE!" Hoseok comes running in at the sound of panic in Jae's voice and Yoongi follows.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Mi Na's water just broke go grab the bag from the nursery."

Hoseok sprints to the nursery and grabs the bag "Yoongi get her in the car, she's in partial shock so you might need to carry her, that and the pain of the contractions is going to kick in real soon." Yoongi lifts me up and I wrap my arms around his neck. He gets down to the car with Jae and Hoseok following close behind.

Yoongi gets me in the backseat and climbs in next to me. Hoseok gets in the driver's seat and Jae in the passenger seat. Jae hands Yoongi a pillow and I hiss in pain when the first contraction hits me "Yoongi put that under her lower back. Hoseok! If you don't start this damn car!"

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