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"so, tell me again why we're all mark's room together while your guests party by themselves?" jackson asked, looking around the circle that the seven boys sat in. 

"we finna play games and shit." mark grinned, opening a can of beer. 

"mark, don't ever say finna out loud again." jinyoung sighed, shaking his head. he grabbed a beer can as well, quickly opening it and taking a sip. 

"aight." mark nodded. "anyways, how about.. i don't know, what should we play first?"


"no." bambam shook his head. "that's fucking gay, youngjae. or should i mother fucking say, youn-gay." 

"I'M ABOUT TO GO OFF ON A BITCH." youngjae yelled, suddenly reaching over and choking bambam for a few seconds. 

"dude, don't, that's gonna make him horny." yugyeom snorted, making bambam turn red and smack his shoulder. 

"ANYWAYS. GAME CHOOSING." jaebum said loudly, getting everyones attention. 

"truth or dare?" jackson asked. 

"eh, why not." everyone agreed to it, nodding their heads. 

"so, who goes first?" jinyoung asked. 

"how about jackson? he came up with it." yugyeom said. 

"okay!" jackson grinned. "um.. youngjae, truth or dare." 

"dare, 'cause i'm not a pussy like bambam." youngjae grinned, cracking his knuckles. 

"first of all-" 

"i dare you to kill bambam." 

"please say sike..." bambam said softly, and then burst into a fit of giggles. yugyeom's heart started pounding in his chest from the cute noises the smaller boy that sat beside him, he wasn't sure how to feel about this. 

"yo, look at yugyeom." jaebum whispered to jinyoung, nudging his side and then gesturing to yugyeom. he was staring at bambam in a lovestruck way, his cheeks pink and looking nervous. jinyoung laughed a bit. 

"hey yugyeom! what's with the look you're giving bambam?" jinyoung grinned. yugyeom snapped out of his daze and glared at jinyoung, hoping bambam didn't see the way he stared at him. 

"shut the fuck up." yugyeom muttered, turning back to bambam who hadn't even heard what they were talking about. he was still bickering with jackson and youngjae. 

"why does it smell like weed?" bambam whined, coughing a bit. mark cleared his throat and waved his hand, blowing out smoke. 

"you fucking stoner." jackson snorted, watching as mark took in another breath of the weed. 

"hey, what can i say?" mark chuckled, blowing more smoke out. "anyways, what's your dare for youngjae?" 

"oh, right!" jackson nodded. "hmm.. you know 4minute?" 

"duh!" youngjae grinned. 

"dance to crazy!" jackson said happily, pulling his phone out and scrolling through his playlist. youngjae laughed a bit and got up, getting ready to dance to the song. 

"C-R-A-Z-Y!" youngjae shouted, starting to dance to the chorus of the song when it played. everyone watched with laughter, as youngjae was acting silly as he danced. 

once he was finished, everyones sides hurt from how hard they had laughed during youngjae's performance. 

"okay, youngjae's turn!" 

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