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kim yugyeom


my friends want to meet you RIGHT NOW

lile rn rn???

come pick me up rn and we are gonna meet them at the pizza parlor for dinner

im nervous

shut up bighead i love you

i love you more



shut up and come pick me up or die!

but do i need to like dress up or

no dumb dumb just wear what you usually do

okay ill be there in a few minutes



before yugyeom could greet bambam with a hello, bambam jumped into his lap and kissed him hard. yugyeom swore he saw stars for a few seconds, and quickly snapped back to reality.

he wrapped his arms around bambam's slender waist, kissing him back with just as much eagerness. god, even the passenger door was still open.

before anything could escalate further, bambam pulled away, his lips plump and pink.

"hello to you too," yugyeom breathed out, a soft smirk present on his face.

"hi." bambam smiled cutely, climbing back into the passenger seat and closing his door. "do you like my outfit?" he asked.

yugyeom saw that he was wearing black adidas joggers with one of yugyeom's black hoodies.

"you look cute." yugyeom said, leaning over and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. bambam giggled and blushed a bit, smiling like a lovestruck fool at him.


"you're so cute, baby." yugyeom grinned, making bambam blush and giggle even more.

"ugh, you big head, just go!" bambam said, pretending to be annoyed. yugyeom laughed and started driving to the pizza parlor they were supposed to meet at, getting very nervous.

once they parked the car and got inside, they quickly found bambam's friends. two cute girls, yugyeom had never seen them before.

"hi guys!" bambam chirped, sitting down across from the two girls. yugyeom awkwardly stood there, not sure if he should stand or sit.

"dude, what are you doing?" bambam furrowed his eyebrows, looking at yugyeom. the taller blushed and sat down.

"w-well i dunno know,"

"loosen up!" one of the girls said, laughing softly. she had short, light brown hair and a cute, slightly chubby face. she was wearing a red sweater that matched her red lips, and some pretty earrings as well. she was really pretty.

"i'm yugyeom," yugyeom smiled, bowing his head a bit to the two girls. the other girl snorted a bit.

this girl has long, purple and white hair that was twisted into two braids. she had on pink lipstick and her face was cute and chubby as well. she had on a white, long sleeved shirt instead of a hoodie.

yugyeom concluded that they were the chubby cheeks gang.

"i'm jimin!" the brown haired girl smiled, bowing her head a bit as well. yugyeom smiled at her.

"i'm dahyun," the purple haired girl said, copying jimin's actions. "it's so nice to finally meet you honestly." she smiled. jimin hummed in agreement.

"bambam never shuts up about you!" jimin teased, making bambam turn a bright red.

"j-jimin! shut up!" he whined. yugyeom grinned at the slightly younger boy, taking his hand underneath the table and squeezing it.

"you're so adorable." yugyeom said, making the two girls giggle.

"awww!" the two girls teased.

"ahh!" bambam whined more, his face beet red. yugyeom unconciously kissing his forehead. "kim yugyeom!" bambam exclaimed.

"they're definitely split-aparts." dahyun whispered to jimin, who nodded her head in agreement.

after their pizza got there, the four immediately dug into it, not talking too much.

jimin, dahyun, and yugyeom seemed to be getting along well, cracking jokes and teasing each other which made bambam really happy.

he was so glad his friends liked yugyeom and vice versa.

but of course, all good things must come to an end. it was getting late and the pizza parlor was going to close in half an hour, so the four walked out.

"you're pretty cool, yugyeom." jimin grinned.

"yeah," dahyun agreed. "you and bambam are perfect for each other."

"thank you." yugyeom grinned happily, sticking his hand out for them to shake it. the two girls rolled their eyes and hugged him instead, making bambam laugh.

yugyeom hugged them back, and they pulled away quickly after.

"thanks for paying too!" dahyun smiled, in which yugyeom hummed.

"one more thing before you two leave," jimin said, creating a more serious tone. bambam linked his and yugyeom's pinkies together, waiting to see what jimin would say.


"please don't hurt bambam." with thay, she walked away with dahyun, and they got in their car.

bambam waved to them, and then looked at yugyeom.

"want to come over to my house?" bambam asked, seemingly innocent. "my mom isn't home." he smirked, any trace of innocence gone. yugyeom gulped.

"yeah, yeah, that sounds like a good idea."


THIS WAS KINDA RUSHED TBH SORRY!!! when should i end this fic? 65 chapters like something good? or 70 chapters? i'm not really sure. or 55? you guys decide!

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