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yugyeom and bambam jumped in surprise, looking to see everyone in bambam's closet, pooling out of it with sheepish looks present on their faces. 

"what the hell?!" bambam exclaimed. "how long have you guys been in here for?" 

"a while.. i think an hour or so. your little sister told us to come in here and make sure that you two made up." jinyoung said, looking at yugyeom with a stern look. "it's going to stay this way, correct? i'm not even kidding yugyeom, i was so close to beating your ass." 

yugyeom looked away awkwardly and gnawed on his lower lip. "i'm aware." 

"i would have cried!" bambam said, shaking his head a bit. "you can't beat him up," 

"okay but seriously, are you two for real for real good now? honestly we can't really deal with this anymore, it has a big impact on us as well." youngjae said, walking up to the two with a somewhat pleading look on his face. 

"yes." the two said in synchronization, giggling to each other afterwards. 

"good! let's celebrate!" jaebeom said, pulling out his wallet. "let's go out for lunch and celebrate yugyeom's birthday!" 

"i'll meet you guys downstairs, i need to get ready." bambam smiled, watching as everyone left the room. "where do you think you're going?" bambam furrowed his brows, grabbing yugyeom's wrist and pulling him backwards. the other five boys snickered. 

"ew," jackson grinned, continuing to walk down the stairs. 

bambam shut the door and yugyeom blushed. 


"i missed you." bambam blurted out, looking away in embarrassment. he started fiddling with his fingers and gnawing on his lips. 

"i missed you too." yugyeom said, stepping closer to the boy and cupping both sides of his face in his large palms. he smiled softly at the younger and started peppering kisses all over his chubby cheeks and pretty face. "and i love you." 

"i love you too," bambam said through soft giggles, playfully pushing yugyeom away from him. "yah, you're too much!" he said, very obviously flustered. yugyeom laughed softly and grabbed the boys hand, kissing his finger where his ring was. 

"you're so pretty like this, in your messy hair, bare face, and oversized clothes. you're prettier than all the stars in the sky," yugyeom said softly, holding onto his hand and giving him a very love struck look. not on purpose, though, yugyeom was totally unaware of the facial expression he had at the moment. 

"geez, what are you, a poet?" bambam mumbled, his mascara and tear stained cheeks dusted over with a dark red. yugyeom grinned sheepishly and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips for a few seconds. 


"happy birthday, gyeom." bambam said, looking up at him with a shy expression. he didn't know why he was so shy right now. "i'm gonna make sure you have a good day, 'kay?"

"my day was already perfect just with you in it." 

"oh my god, shut up, you're so gooey." bambam giggled, wrapping his arms around yugyeom's broad shoulders. 

"it really only started with you, like, i just used to be a sex machine and now i'm not." yugyeom stated, shaking his head at that. 

"are you saying you used to be more of a sex machine than you are now?" bambam said, fake surprise laced in his voice. a teasing grin displayed across his face. 

"yup." yugyeom grinned, popping the 'p.' 

"i think you're gonna have to demonstrate that," bambam said, biting his lower lip at the thought. yugyeom grabbed bambam's waist and started to move him over to the bed, his breathing already becoming deeper. 

"not right now!" bambam shrieked, pushing the larger male away. "oh my god! we're going out for lunch, i need to get ready!" 

"oh-" yugyeom blushed, coughing awkwardly. "oh, oh my god. i'm going downstairs now!" yugyeom said, very flustered as he dashed out of the room. bambam laughed softly and shook his head, picking out an outfit that he hoped yugyeom might like. 


bambam came out in an oversized black hoodie, it was yugyeom's, and a pair of washed out skinny jeans with a few holes in them. he wore black fishnets underneath them, and a pair of adidas. his hair was poofy and fell in his face, nothing too much, as if he simply just brushed it, but he made it work. bambam's eyelids were painted over with a red eyeshadow and his eyeliner made his eyes look catlike. his nose ring popped out as well, adding all the good effects. 

all in all, bambam looked stunning. as usual. 

"bambam really out here, slayin' and shit." jaebeom sighed, shaking mark's bicep a bit. bambam giggled and thanked him shyly. 

"wait, when did he get a nose ring?" mark furrowed his eyebrows. 

"dude, were you not listening?" youngjae deadpanned. "he said yugyeom was making him feel emo and he did it yesterday morning." bambam nodded his head. 

"yeah mark." bambam grinned. 

"you look good," yugyeom blurted out, making bambam blush. 

"thank you! let's get going!" bambam announced, taking yugyeom's hand, noticing their rings making a little 'clink' noise when they hit. 

they all piled into yugyeom's car and drive off, some of them having to sit in laps. bambam sat next to yugyeom in the passenger seat, jaebeom sitting in mark's lap, jinyoung sitting in the middle seat, and jackson and youngjae were still fighting over who had to sit in the others lap.

"i'm not sitting in your lap, jackson." youngjae said.

"ugh, fine, you win this time!" jackson whined, plopping down in youngjae's lap with a pout.

"finally," bambam said, earning a slap on the shoulder from jackson.

"shut up, we're leaving now!" jinyoung said with annoyance, everyone cheering when they pulled out. they decided on going to red robin's for yugyeom's birthday, all of them immediately agreeing.

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