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bambam's doorbell rang and the boy opened his eyes, getting up from the couch with a sigh.

some of yugyeom's hickies were still on bambam's neck, halfway faded. his hair was a complete mess, he hadn't brushed it in three days, and hadn't put makeup on ever since yugyeom stopped talking to him. he was just wearing an old, white t-shirt with gray sweatpants; he'd been too sad to change or care, really.

when he reached the door, he sighed. he didn't care who saw him like this. bambam opened it slowly, squinting his eyes at the bright light, his  chubby cheeks tear stained and his eyes red and puffy.

oh, great.

bambam tried slamming the door shut, but a big shoe stopped it.

"go away." bambam rasped out, surprised at how his voice sounded after many hours of sobbing and not talking at all.

"bam, let me just talk." yugyeom said pleadingly, pushing the door open with success, the smaller boy of course more weak.

"don't call me that." his voice still sounded hoarse and gross.

"please, bambam, just listen to me."

"i said go away."

"no." yugyeom said, pushing the door open enough for him to slip through. bambam covered his face his with hands, feeling himself tearing up again. he also didn't want yugyeom to see his condition.

"please," bambam whispered, afraid of what his voice would sound like if he raised it.

"you look different," yugyeom blurted out. bambam visibly deflated, even more than he already was. "still beautiful." he whispered.

bambam wanted to believe him. he pulled his hands away from his face and glared at the taller male, clenching his fists so tight, his knuckles turned white.

"shut up!" bambam yelled, his voice cracking and high pitched. crying did not do good things for his voice, bambam concluded. yugyeom flinched. "what else do you want from me?! just leave me alone! you're such a fucking dick!" bambam choked out, starting to cry again.

yugyeom frowned. this wasn't what he wanted. not at all. he was just confused, he didn't think everyone would act like this.

bambam continued sobbing into his hands, the sobs muffled slightly by them. he cautiously wrapped his arms around the boys shaking shoulders, sighing in relief when he didn't budge. yugyeom picked him up, taking him to his room, his heart physically hurting as the boy continued.

he slipped out of his shoes and laid bambam on his bed, crawling next to him and pulling the covers over themselves.

bambam's cries slowly stopped, the two both falling asleep asleep next to each other, yugyeom's arms wrapped around the smaller.

the next morning, bambam woke up to the smell of something cooking in the kitchen. bambam's stomach growled loudly, he hadn't eaten for a while. the small boy slipped out of bed and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he trudged down the stairs.

he wondered who could be making breakfast, both his mom and sister weren't going to be back until later today.

he turned into the kitchen, a bit surprised at the sight.

a shirtless yugyeom stood there at the oven, flipping a chocolate chip pancake, bambam's favorite, and the small boy didn't know how to feel.

yugyeom looked like total boyfriend material, standing there in his black, calvin-klein underwear, flipping pancakes with messy hair and a somewhat tired expression on his face. almost as if he had gotten up extra early just to do this. bambam quickly pushed the thought away, feeling his palms getting sweaty. knees weak, arms are heavy.. there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti.

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