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"yugyeom, it's your birthday, why are you so sad?" yugyeom's mom asked, pressing a kiss to his cheek. he sighed and tried not to burst out into tears.

"it's nothing, mom."

"oh, it's because you couldn't wake up with your boyfriend next to you this morning, hm?" she teased, grinning up at her giant of a son. yugyeom tried his hardest not to grab his mother's waist and cry into her stomach like he did when he was younger.

"yeah." yugyeom lied. it was something like that anyways.

"well, i made you breakfast, come eat!" she smiled, reaching up and ruffling her sons hair. she guided him out to the kitchen and sat him down at the table with a happy grin.

"okay," he mumbled, staring at the wooden table he sat at. a minute later and his mother served him a plate of warm pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"here you go, my handsome young man." she smiled, pressing another kiss to the top of his head. "you're so grown up, you're 17 now!"

"thanks mom," he smiled sadly. yugyeom wasn't hungry at all, but he ate his food to make his mother happy and not let her be suspicious of anything.

a soft knock at the door startled yugyeom. was it bambam?

yugyeom's heart pounded at that, trying to fix his hair as he walked over to the door, hoping he didn't look too desperate. he didn't really care though, he was just going to grab bambam and hug him tightly, sobbing into his small frame and apologizing over and over again.

he opened the door a little too eagerly, on to be disappointed. it wasn't bambam.

"yugyeom? hi," baby, bambam's sister smiled.

"oh, hi baby. um, what are you doing here?"

"uh, bambam was saving this gift for your birthday present. i don't know what happened between you two, but i hope you guys figure it out. here," she said, handing him a large box, which was just slightly heavy. yugyeom took the box, tears welling up in his eyes.

before he could say anything else, baby was gone. he shut the door and went up to his room so he could open up whatever was in here.

bambam had gotten yugyeom a birthday present, and he felt so bad. bambam wasn't scared of love and never once thought about breaking up with yugyeom, while the older had many doubts from time to time.

he shook his head of those thoughts, opening up the box with tears still in his eyes. the first thing in it was a letter. he grabbed it and opened it, wanting to cry.

Dear Kim Yugyeom,

Happy birthday, you handsome loser. I bet you didn't know that I knew it was your birthday, huh? I secretly figured it out, and I wanted to surprise you. But anyways, you're 17 now! Now you're a little older than me, what even. I'll catch up soon. :)

I hope you have the best day ever, and I'll make sure of it, okay? You deserve the world and more and I'd give it to you in an instant, like without zero hesitation. You just mean so much to me and I can't think of anyone else that I'd rather be with right now. You're literally the most amazing person I've ever met.

I think that our fights, or arguments, whatever you wanna call them, brought us closer. I really just think that you're the one for me, you know? Well, like, I don't know if you think the same thing, but like.. I don't even know. Whatever. We haven't even been together for a month yet (I don't think!!) but I think I could see a future together, do you? I mean like, we should talk about it. Or something. Yugyeom I literally hate you, I can't even think straight, I'm literally rambling over a letter. UGH, your power. God, that was so weird.

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