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HEY! you fucking slut!
knock on the left side of my fence instead of my door, my mom is still home and she will kill me if a boy is here!

first of all ok!! 😁😁😁
second of all we will not be caught!

good, whore! get over here! when will you be here! 😉

in two minutes!

ok!!! also my doggy is playing in the backyard with me and beware she will kiss you so freaking much!!!!!!

OKAY!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😁😁😁😁😁

see ur cum loving ass soon!!! 😋😋😋

a soft knock on the fence made bambam's heart pound, quickly opening his camera and checking how he looked.

pretty fucking rad.

bambam shook his head at the thought and let a soft giggle escape his lips, getting up with his dog.

"come on, miho," bambam said in thai, his dog immediately wagging her tail and bounding over to the fence where she could tell someone was.

gumiho started barking and bambam had to quickly hush the dog so his mother wouldn't come out, pressing kisses to her face and telling her that it was just yugyeom.

"are you gonna keep my locked out here forever?" yugyeom said dramatically, gasping a bit as well.

"whatever, i'm just making sure that gummy dog won't tackle you to the ground with her love." bambam grinned, opening the fence and holding his dog by the collar.

gumiho's tail wagged rapidly, and yugyeom stepped in, looking at the adorable husky.

"what's her name?" yugyeom asked excitedly, kneeling down and petting her. the dog let out soft barks and licked yugyeom's face, making him laugh a bit.

"she's gumiho! she's super freaking sweet, overall perfect."

"she's so cute!" yugyeom smiled, kissing gumiho's head and standing back up straight.

"she only understands thai, though." bambam mentioned, saying something in thai to his puppy.

"ohh, okay!"

"but anyways, welcome to my humble backyard!" bambam grinned, reaching behind yugyeom and shutting the fence. yugyeom grinned and looked around.

"why, thank you my good man." yugyeom said, walking out and plopping down in the middle of the yard, next to a trampoline and a volleyball. "this is some pretty neat grass,"

"thanks," bambam grinned, sitting next to him. "and if my mom comes outside, hide underneath the trampoline."


"how's life?" bambam asked, sprawling out on the grass, smiling softly when gumiho laid next to him. yugyeom hummed and shrugged.

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