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bambam walked through the endlessly large crowds, trying to find his boyfriend. they were supposed to meet up for a date at the fair to make up for yugyeom beating up his bullies. the rather large boy was nowhere to be seen, though, and bambam was panicking. maybe his bullies found him and were ganging up on him? bambam's breathing became heavier, starting to run and push through crowds and crowds of people. he was scared out of his mind now, stopping next to one of the benches and sitting down. 

"jesus christ!" a familiar voice panted out, standing in front of him with his hands on his knees. "why were you running so fast, oh my god!" 

"yugyeom!" bambam shouted, jumping up and hugging him tightly. the slightly older boy laughed happily and hugged bambam back, leaning down to press a kiss on his forehead. 

"what were you running for?" yugyeom asked, ruffling the boys hair and making him shoot a glare. 

"i dunno, i just got a really bad feeling in my stomach and started panicking that you weren't okay.. so i started running to look for you.." bambam mumbled, blushing slightly at his confession. 

"you're so cute," yugyeom smiled, kissing his lips. bambam smiled back and took his hand, lacing their fingers together before pressing a kiss to yugyeom's knuckles. 

"aren't you lucky?" bambam said cockily, giving yugyeom a smirk. 

"i really am." yugyeom said, squeezing bambam's hand quickly. the younger blushed for a brief second. that bastard really knew how to make bambam turn shy. 

"shut up.. what do you wanna do first?" bambam asked, starting to walk forward and swinging their hands in between them. yugyeom shrugged and looked around the fair, not seeing anything too interesting that caught his eye. 

"whatever you wanna do, babe." 

"how about the bumper cars?" bambam asked. yugyeom hummed in agreement, letting bambam lead him to the rather long line. 


it was night now, and yugyeom and bambam had just gotten off of the ferris wheel. they were walking, hand in hand of course, together in a comfortable silence. their legs were getting tired though, and quickly found an empty bench to sit at. 

"bambam..?" yugyeom asked softly, looking at the boy with a serious expression. 

"yeah, gyeom?" bambam asked, looking over at him. he felt himself getting nervous with the features on his face, hoping desperately yugyeom didn't change his mind and want to break up with him. 

"i love you so much.." he said, caressing his cheek with his thumb. bambam smiled softly and leaned into his touch, now in relief. 

"i love you too, so, very much." 

"i was.. doing research the other day.. um.." yugyeom's hands and voice were shaky, bambam could tell he was nervous. 

"what's wrong?" bambam asked with worry, taking his boyfriends shaking hands into his own. yugyeom inhaled deeply, then got down from the bench, onto one knee. bambam furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at his boyfriend. 

"i-i.. um.. bambam, i-i know we're young, and if this is too overwhelming for you just say so, but.. i-i.. bambam, would you marry me?" he asked. bambam gasped softly, feeling tears spring to his eyes, smiling brighter than the sun and opening his mouth to give his answer. 

bambam shot up in bed, shaking and sweating and crying. what had just happened?  

the eighteen year old boy ran down the stairs, looking like a complete mess. 

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