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omg yes baby 😚

me and my friend are gonna go ice skating at 6 and she's bringing her girlfriend so do you wanna come with me 😳😳😳😳😳

wtf yes 😔😄😍
do you want me to pick you all up???

omg yes
text me when ur about to leabe so i can get all pretty for u 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

wtf ur already pretty for me but go off i guess
but okay 😍❤😘ill be there at 6

shut uo mark😳😳
anyways my two friends will already be here so dont worry aout finding their houses

okay baby😚😚see u soon❤❤



at exactly 6, mark rang jaebeom's doorbell, a single, red rose in hand. he passed by the flower shop on the way to jaebeom's house, so he thought - why not get a rose for him?

he heard squeals and screaming, and then scrambling towards the door, making him confused but he laughed at the same time. after a few more seconds, jaebeom opened the door, trying to hold back a girl.

"uh, hey," mark said, looking at the girl in confusion.

"jeongyeon, i swear to god!" jaebeom said, pushing her backwards. the girl laughed and finally stayed away, going elsewhere. "sorry," jaebeom giggled, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

"wow," mark breathed out, looking at jaebeom's outfit. he was wearing a pink hoodie with a black leather jacket over it, along with a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans. he even had a pair of golden specs on, complimenting the look. god, jaebeom was so ethereal. mark sighed dreamily, thinking about how his boyfriend put victoria's secret models and the literal sun to shame. geez, jaebeom's power. 

"wow what?" jaebeom blushed, biting back his smile.

"wow you." mark grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek. jaebeom smiled happily and wrapped his arms around mark's shoulders.


"oh, by the way," mark said, after pulling away from their short, but sweet, hug. "here!" he smiled softly, handing jaebeom the red rose. the younger blushed at that, accepting the gift shyly.

"w-what's this for?" he asked, smelling the rose with an adorable smile. mark shrugged, and resisted the urge to just grab his adorably chubby face and pepper kisses everywhere.

"i saw it and thought of you." he smiled, making jaebeom giggled sweetly and kiss his cheek.

"thank you," he cooed, kissing the corner of his mouth for extra measure. 

"of course-" 

"aww! jae, you guys are adorable!" the door opened, revealing the same girl who jaebeom was trying to hold back earlier. she had a somewhat bowl-cut style of hair, a soft brown. mark instantly got lesbian vibes from her. another girl came up from behind her, wrapping her arms around the first ones waist and popping her head through her arms. she had long, blonde hair and bangs. mark concluded that they were both in fact lesbians. probably dating each other. 

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