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yugyeom pulled up into bambam's driveway, taking notice that bambam's mother wasn't home at the moment. he didn't see any other cars there, desperately hoping that the love of his life was inside.

he turned his car off, pulled his keys out, and got out of his car with a racing heart. he was so nervous as he walked up to bambam's porch, gnawing on his lip.

should he even be doing this? how would bambam react?

yugyeom had a bunch of second thoughts as he held his hand up to ring the doorbell. his mind and heart were racing, he wasn't sure if he should do this again.

before he knew it, the pressed the doorbell button, and gasped a bit. oh fuck.

yugyeom was so fucking nervous. he was about to run away from the door and cry in his room. he wasn't ready. not at all. he hadn't even planned anything to say to the boy.

the door opened to reveal a petite, black haired boy with mascara running down his cheeks and his hair a complete mess. a black, oversized t-shirt hung off of one of his shoulders, exposing his beautiful collarbones. his legs were skinny and tan, a pair of oversized basketball shorts worn over his pretty thighs. his nails were black and his eyes filled with sadness. was that a black nose ring?

"what the hell do you want?" a raspy voice, deep and sad, filled the air.

"bambam," was all yugyeom could muster out, his cheeks turning bright red.

oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

"i said what the hell do you want? get out of here, yugyeom." bambam growled out, his voice laced with venom. it was as if it physically pained the younger boy to say the name.

when yugyeom didn't reply for another minute, bambam glared at him and attempted to slam the door in his face. before he could, though, yugyeom shoved his feet in between the door and door frame, pushing it open and standing in the doorway.

"wait!" yugyeom said, looking at the boy with desperation. bambam looked more angrily at the boy and before any other words were said, he lifted his small hand up and smacked it across yugyeom's left cheek.

the older hissed in pain, squeezing his eyes shut and wincing. he definitely deserved that.

"okay, i deserved that." yugyeom said softly, looking at bambam. "but please, please, just listen to me, bambam."

"do you understand the pain you put me through?! you break up with me saying you don't want me anymore, and come back here, in the clothes i bought for you, asking for me to listen! what the fuck is your problem? i really don't think you understand what you do to me! i'm so in love with you! it's fucking crazy!" bambam yelled, his beautiful, brown eyes tearing up.

"i'm in love with you too! you don't understand it either," yugyeom said, raising his voice a bit, just so bambam would listen.

"if you loved me, why would you break up with me?" bambam growled, a few tears streaming down his cheeks as he glared at the older.

"i never thought you felt the same way as i did," yugyeom started out, giving bambam a pleading look. "i was falling so quickly in love with you, it was scaring me. i've never fallen in love with anyone before and the fact that i managed to do so so quickly with you was scaring me! i was becoming addicted to you, I had to have you every day. so i thought that if we broke up, it would be the best for the both of us, i'm scared, would if i hurt you? you really don't love me as much as i do, do you? i can't wrap my head around that, really. in your letter i- everything you gave me- bambam i just- i love you more than anything." yugyeom said, his whole body shaking as he cried. yugyeom didn't even realize he was crying.

bambam looked at him and yugyeom couldn't really tell what emotion was on the boys face.

"if you don't forgive me, i under-" yugyeom started out, his voice soft and weak.

"shut up!" bambam yelled, looking up at him. "just- just shut up." he whispered, still standing there. bambam knew he forgave people too easily.

the younger boy walked up to yugyeom, coming to his conclusion. he wrapped his arms around his torso and buried his face into yugyeom's warm, broad chest.

"my friends say that i shouldn't forgive you." bambam mumbled into his chest. yugyeom hesitated to wrap his arms around him, but did it anyway.

"i really don't blame them."

"they would understand me, though, if they had someone like you."

"i'm not a good a person." yugyeom mumbled into his hair, some tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"maybe not to you, but you've made me happier than i've ever been. that makes you a good person." bambam said, sniffling.

"have i?" yugyeom asked. "you're crying, because of me. i've hurt you."

"i love you." was all bambam replied with, tightening his grip around yugyeom. "and you're not going anywhere this time."

yugyeom couldn't help but laugh a bit. bambam was adorable when he became dominant.

"i-i'm not gonna," yugyeom sniffled, kissing the top of bambam's head. "you're not leaving either."

"i was never planning on it." bambam said, pulling away and looking up at him. yugyeom got a full view of his boyfriends face now, and wow, there really was a nose ring.

"when did you get a nose ring?" yugyeom asked, looking down at him.

"yesterday. you were making me feel really emo, but i look good, right?" bambam asked, touching the black nose ring for a brief second.

"you look sexy." yugyeom stated. bambam blushed.

"t-thank you." bambam mumbled, looking away. "are you satisfied now that you've seen my bare face?" 

"very." yugyeom grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips. oh, how he missed the feeling of the soft, plump, cloud-like lips against his own.

"did you like your birthday present? you look really handsome." bambam said after they pulled away. yugyeom nodded his head and showed bambam the ring on his finger.

"i really hope you didn't spend too much money on me." yugyeom said.

"it wasn't too much," bambam smiled, taking yugyeom's hand and leading him up the stairs. "it was less than 700 dollars."

"what?!" yugyeom shrieked. "are you joking?!"

"no? it was like.. 640 dollars? i think?" bambam shrugged, walking into his room and grabbing his ring off of the dresser set. "look," bambam smiled.

"oh my god," yugyeom sighed. he took the ring from bambam and grabbed the boys hand, slipping it onto his finger. bambam turned red and looked away.

"i-i love you." bambam mumbled.

"i love you too." yugyeom smiled, kissing bambam's nose. "so much."

"i know this is the wrong time to say this, but that shit was cute." jackson popped out from bambam's closet, his phone in hand.


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