Chapter 2- After BFB 1 but before BFB 2

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A/N Hello readers! I decided to make this chapter with the POVS of both Leafy and Velociraptor after BFB 1 but before BFB 2. Enjoy.

Also Here is a drawing of what Velociraptor looks like that I made last night.

Also Here is a drawing of what Velociraptor looks like that I made last night

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Velociraptor's POV:

"No mercy for Iance!"

I'm glad my team is safe. Losing the first contest must be really embarrassing. Speaking of my team, BEEP, I'm glad to finally have a large group of friends that is accepting of me. Although their are some on other teams who have never trusted me. This is probably because I'm a carnivore; a meat eater. But I don't eat objects, I'd never do that. I usually go after rodents and sometimes small birds, if I can catch them.

Yet unlike objects, who can survive 1338 days without food, for me to be in my best health, I need to eat at least once a week. I'm hungry again, and it's been about 3 days since my last meal,  which was a medium sized mouse.

Walking away from the others to look for a meal, I spot a rabbit in the tall brown grass. A feel excitement rush thru my veins as I crouch down to stalk it. As I creep forward slowly, I forget to watch my footing for a second and I step on a twig, breaking it. The rabbit turns it's head in my direction, and then it quickly begins to flee. I leap out of the grasses and give chase, jumping over rocks, logs and other obstacles. Just as I'm about to catch it, it leaps down into a burrow. I skid to a halt, letting out a small roar of frustration. I've probably scared off all other prey in the area, so I decide to head back to my team to see what they're up to.

As I walk towards some of the members of my team, I hear something in the bushes. I turn my head to look, but I see nothing. Must've been my imagination.

Leafy's POV:

As I re-enter Yoyleland, night has began to fall. I think I'll spy again in a week or two, but I'm not sure. That reminds me, I wonder what my sister, Evil Leafy, would make of all of this. Maybe I should pay the Evil Forest a visit?

Chapter 2! This is probably my favorite so far. Remember to comment thoughts! :D

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