Chapter 4: Campfire stories

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Hello again everyone! New chapter! Enjoy!

Nobody's POV:

It was night a few days after the first contest. All of team BEEP and serval other objects from different teams were sitting around a campfire that had recently been built, talking about life, the new season of Bfdi and related things.

Velociraptor's POV:

I was relaxing next to the fire, listening to the conversations but not in one myself, as I don't have much on my mind at the moment, when Match said:

"Since this is a campfire, somebody should like, tell a scary story."

"Heh. No story can scare us Beepsters, right Velociraptor?" Nickel replied to Match and then asked me.

"Uh, yeah!" I replied to him, in a sort of awkward voice.

"Really then? Well, I have a story that will probably will scare everyone else, then." Coiny spoke next.

Serval mutters like "tell us then" followed his statement.

"Oh alright then. But don't say I didn't warn you! It was the final of Bfdi," he began.

"We were about to set foot on the luxurious Dream Island, after nearly 2 years of battling," he continued dramatically.

"However, as it turns out, Leafy had stole dream island!" 

A few angry mutters came from the others, despite all of us having heard this story at least once. I, however, had some different thoughts going though my head. I've always wondered if this is the full story, as it always told so dramatically. But hey, I could be wrong, so I'll keep these thoughts to myself.

"So we attempted to give her the death penalty," he continued, "however, somehow, she managed to escape. We later chased her thru valleys, hills, and even the Evil Forest until she escaped to Yoyleland using a map. When Puffball, Gelatin, and Needle went to Yoyleland, she threw knifes at them. Not to mention her sister, Evil Leafy, chased Spongy, Book, and Ice Cube when they fell into the Evil Forest."

A short slience followed before Coiny concluded,

"So my advise is this: if you ever Encounter Leafy or Evil Leafy, you should scream and run away as fast as possible."

Mutters of agreement rose from the others at his final statement. But I had a lot of my own thoughts.

Didn't all this happen around 6 years ago? Am I missing a piece of the story? Because I don't think anyone would steal an island without good reason.

Remember to comment your thoughts and vote! :D

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