Hello again, part 2

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Velociraptor's POV:

Well, I found her. It actually didn't take nearly as long as I expected. I start to think of something to say.

"Hey.. I came here to see, uh, how you are doing." I managed to stutter.

Leafy had an unconvinced look on her face.

"Ok look, I can promise it's not about that night." I said.

Leafy looked at me and said, "I can tell since you came alone."

"Well, actually I do have a reason I came here." I replied.

Leafy's POV

So she did come her for a reason. Kind of what I expected. I mean, she wouldn't just sneak off, alone, in the middle of the night for no reason.

"I know everyone see's you as a monster and traitor, but I kind of feel they're exaggerating. Whenever someone talks about you, to me it just feels so dramatic. I guess I'm overly curious." Velociraptor explained.

I'm actually really surprised; someone actually wants to hear both sides of the story. I never thought anyone would.

"Well... fine. I'll tell my side of the story but only because you asked." I said, sitting down.

"The main reason I stole Dream Island was because Firey rejected me when he let everyone else in. Even Coiny, who was his archenemy at the time." I started.

Velociraptor had a confused look on her face. "No one ever mentioned Firey didn't let you in." She said.

I felt a bit of shock in me; I can't believe nobody mentioned that part! It would totally change how one viewed the story.

"They seriously didn't mention that?" I said, sounding a bit shocked. Velociraptor shook her head.

"So I bought Dream Island from the Announcer. Soon after they sentenced me to death by using Flower's Announcer crusher. But at the last second, Firey swooped in with a hang glider and saved me. Yet... he seems to have forgotten about me." I finished sadly.

Velociraptor looks at me. "I'm sorry Firey forgot about you. Also, I can't believe nobody mentioned Firey whenever they talk about the final of Bfdi." She said.

"Thanks." I reply.

Suddenly, I hear a strange noise from the distance, and it's getting closer. Velociraptor seems to hear it to. I realize something: this can be only one object. My sister, Evil Leafy. But what is she doing out here?

A/N Hope you enjoyed! Remember to comment and vote! :D

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