Chapter 12: A strange dream

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A/N the full name of this chapter is paper planes, a strange dream, second elimination and ???'s identity. It won't let me make it that long. Also I skipped to fortunate Ben as nothing else important happens until now. Anyways enjoy!

Velociraptor's POV.

"Today's contest is to fly your teams paper plane as long as possible. First team to hit the ground will be up for elimination!" Said Four, explaining the challenge.

I entered our plane along with the rest of my team. The fact that it's just paper worries me a bit.

"Ready, set, go!" Exclaimed Four, sending the planes off flying, causing people to scream.

I couldn't believe the view from here. It was beautiful and I could see the edge of Yoyleland and the Goiky river. I wonder what Leafy is doing. Probably looking for a way to stop her sister from trying to kill everyone.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Cloudy got wrapped in sticky tape suddenly and the plane shook.

"Woah!" Said Nickel, reacting to the plane shaking.

"Hey, shouldn't someone be piloting?" I asked.

(A/N remember in this story David was eliminated earlier than he was in cannon, so he isn't here to pilot.)

And as if on cue, we started falling.

I noticed that Free Food was falling aswell. So that gives us a chance.

"How do we steer this thing? There's no way to change the airflow!" Said Balloony.

Woody suddenly dabbed, to try and change the airflow. Oh,of course! I thought to myself, holding my feathered arms out to help.

Just when it seemed we were gonna make it, the cliff suddenly jerked out, and we crashed. I face planted into the ground. Ouch. That hurt.

"Thank you for catching them ground. They could have hit the ground." X said, appearing and patting the ground.

"Team Beep. One of you is going away." Said Four.

X looked at the other planes still in the air and said, "You guys? You can just.. do whatever you want. I dunno."

I stood to my feet, shook myself off and started walking back to the Lavatories with the rest of my team. X had already left but strangely enough Four was sticking around longer than usual. I wonder why that is?

Trying not to show I felt uncomfortable, I kept walking. I can't help but feel like he's looking at me in particular. Eh, Four's pretty weird already, so I probably shouldn't worry to much, plus he's leaving now.

???'s POV:

I think Velociraptor realizes that something's up. I suspect her of being up to no good, but I don't have any proof yet, and X wouldn't let me do anything without proof if I told him my suspicions.

I'm sitting on the deck of our hidden house, thinking about the next challenge when I hear X calling my name. Ugh. I really don't want to talk to him right now.

"Hey Four!" Says X cheerfully, coming up and sitting down next to me.

"What do you want?" I replied crankily.

"Well I thought you looked lonely so I thought-" I cut him off and said "I'm fine. Really. Just go and entertain yourself or something." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Well. Ok..." Said X as he walked into the house.

Velociraptor's POV.

I opened my blue eyes to a dark forest, not exactly like the Evil Forest, but similar. Wait, how did I get here? Not only that, it also doesn't quite feel like reality. Then I realized: Oh, I'm dreaming! Which is kinda strange, I don't dream often and when I do I'm usually chasing a herd of protoceratops or something like that.

I started to walk around the dream forest, but soon I noticed that with every step I took the ground cracked, and it was forming a ravine. Startled, I took a step back, but this caused it to grow even more. Now could also hear whispers, although I couldn't understand what any of them where saying.

Fear sliced though me as the ravine divided even more, despite me being still. Even though I knew this was just a dream, I was still scared out of my skin. Ugh, I just want this dream to end!

The ravine was really wide now, and I was stuck on one edge and couldn't move. As I stared into the great divide, I noticed the other side looked like that small cliff Leafy and climbed down when we came back following the Goiky River. That's... really strange.

Next I heard the sound of... rushing water? Suddenly, the ravine was filled with a rushing river strong enough to kill. The whispers were growing louder now, but I still couldn't understand them.

Yet over the whispers, a louder voice came, not a yell, but loud."Be careful what path you take, Velociraptor, and remember, even the greatest foes can be defeated by water."

Before I could question what that voice meant, my eyes flew open. I jerked my head up. Oh. Finally... that dream is over. I can't help but feel though, that the dream had a deeper meaning.

(Time skip to Four goes to Far)

I've had the same dream every night. Now I know it means something, and I'm thinking about the message. I gives this feeling, and I'm pretty sure its telling me this: Something really bad is going to happen if your not careful. The other part, however, I'm not so sure about. "Even the greatest foes can be defeated by water." But i'll have to think about that later, because cake at stake is starting.

"We got 20,916 votes. Beepians, you lost last time so the six of you with the fewest votes get to turn orange and the most voted contestant is poo-pooed!Exclaimed Four, explaining the elimination.

"Cloudy is safe at only 956 votes." Four announced next, turning Cloudy orange.

"X, who's also safe?" Asked Four.

"Nickel, Velociraptor, Balloony, and Woody!"

I looked at myself, now orange. Ugh, I'm gonna need to find a way to get this out.

"Now it's down to Rocky and Roboty." Four said, "One of them isn't even an object."

"Wh-what? O-objection!Four, are you implying that I'm just an object?" Nickel asked. 

"I think someone is criticizing me.I DON'T LIKE CRITICISM!" Said Four angrily, preparing his zappies.

"IT'S TIME!" Four somewhat yelled, but I wonder why he's taking so long to blast Nickel though.

Suddenly, A better name than that came out of nowhere on a sled. There was a flash of bright light that blinded me for a second so I couldn't see what happened.

"Four's gone!!" Yelled Blocky. I looked around, and indeed, Four and X were gone.

"But without Four, how will we know if Rocky or Roboty is out?" Questioned Balloony.

"TV! Calculate! Golf Ball told TV.


Rocky: 4955

Roboty: 8254

Well. That's that I guess.

A/N 1100+ WORDS?! *throws confetti* Also, thank you guys for 600+ reads! Please remember to vote and comment!

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