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Your family had a secret and you didn't know about it, until now.

You weren't like most people, you had a secret that no one could know about but little did you know your family kept a much larger one from you. Your childhood was a blur the only memory you had of it was a few pictures in your family living room of you and your sister with two boys, one with semi tanned skin with blonde hair and the other with pale white skin with jet black raven hair. You didn't remember who they were yet every time you asked anyone in your family who these mysterious boys were your reply was dead silence. It was like they were hiding something from you yet still wanted to keep the secret on show.

There was one thing you did remember from your childhood and that was your power. Being able to control things with your mind was a blessing as well as a curse. It was great when you were too lazy to get up so you used it to get all the food you could have ever desired but it wasn't so great when you were being bullied because you ended up launching a girl into a wall, which wasn't easy to explain to your principle. You didn't really know how you got your powers or if anyone in your family had powers so you kept it to yourself. You lived a pretty normal life other than your powers but your world was going to change with one phone call.

It was October, no one was home so you decided to binge watch tv. You smiled down at your family dog, as he trotted over to the couch with you. You used your powers to summon some snacks for you as you and Gallop both sat on the couch with one another. The large German shepherd cuddled himself into you and began to whine.

"What's wrong boy?" You asked him as he looked up at you and began to whine and bark even more.

"Gallop what's up?" Just as you were about to reach over to pet him to calm him down the phone rang. Gallop began to bark at the phone. You looked over at Gallop and gave him an 'I'm not stupid' look but little did you know that this phone call would change your life.

"Hello?" You asked down the phone.

"(y/n)? It's me Georgia." It was your sister. You'd been close with your sister until you started bothering her about the two boys in the photos but much like your parents you never did get an answer. The only one who was really was there was Gallop, his goofy charms never did fail to cheer you up.

"(y/n) we've been hit, something hit the car and it attacked us." She said whilst she began to cry down the phone. Your heart stopped and tears began to form in your eyes. No words came out of your mouth, you didn't know what to say. "Mother isn't breathing and nor is father, I don't know what to do (y/n) help me!" Your sister screamed down the phone. Normally you'd always laugh at her for calling your parents mother and father, you'd always tell her that it was like she came from another planet because she acted more like royalty than a girl from New York. But this was no laughing matter.

"Text me where you are and I'll come get you and Georgia call the police and ambulance now!" You yelled back and ended the call. You got a text from your sister telling you where she was. "Wait here." You told Gallop sternly not that he would have gone anywhere anyway. You got in your car and headed to the devastating site.

You had arrived to where the events had all taken place, and that's when you saw two bodies in bags being loaded onto an ambulance. Georgia came running to you in tears and threw her body onto yours, she hugged you and wouldn't let go. But you just stood there. She was the oldest, she was supposed to look after you but instead she's breaking down and you didn't know what to do. You looked over at your parents car, it was a wreck it was covered in dents and blood. But there was something on the car that you didn't understand, why was there a large clump of frost on the side of the car where the dent was?
"Sis what is that on the car?" You asked Georgia.

"Nothing (y/n) let's go." She replied.

"No why is there frost on the car?" You asked her slightly annoyed.

"Drop it (y/n) get in car we have to go."

"No Georgia why do you try and avoid everything I ask you? Look at the car! That isn't normal!" You yelled back. She ignored you and got in the car without saying a word the whole way home. There was something she knew and you were going to find out what it was.


It was the day of the funeral, you were wearing a short black dress with your hair up in a bun and a dash of make-up. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you just wanted to cry, why did they leave you so soon? You were just about to put on your heels on when you heard the door being pushed open. You looked up and expected to see your sister but instead you were greeted by a goofy German shepherd. Even in times of sadness he always made you smile. "Hey buddy." You said trying to sound slightly happy.

" (y/n)! We're leaving now!" You heard your sister yell. You rolled your eyes, she became much more uptight and anxious after the death of your parents.

"I'm coming!" You yelled back. "I'll see you later Gallop." You smiled back at him as he laid on your bed. You left your room and walked out the door only to see a large group of people who you didn't recognise. Before you could ask who they were your sister dragged you into the car and you headed to the funeral.

You sat down at the church with your sister and some family members, you turned your head to look around the church and that's when you saw the crowd of people again. You had never seen them before I'm your life and you knew all of your parents friends, so you thought.

"Who are they?" You asked your sister.

"Look (y/n) drop all of this, you need to stop asking questions and just get on with your life." She replied angrily.

"I'm so fed up with you! All of this pathetic family has kept so much from me, tell me what's going on otherwise I'm leaving this family!" You replied raising your voice slightly. You felt eyes on you, you turned around and saw the mysterious people looking over at you but there was two people who you recognised.

"Wait is that Thor and Loki?" You said to your sister as you turned around to face your sister, you knew them from the New York attack plus you knew who the avengers were.

"(y/n) I wasn't supposed to tell you, you weren't supposed to know."

"Wasn't supposed to know what?" You replied.

"We aren't from New York, we aren't even from earth." She replied.

Your life was about to be turned upside down.

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There will be more interaction with Loki in the next chapter I promise ;)

A silver secret (loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now