9 • Goodbye mother

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"You have to let Loki go!"

"He's a prisoner!"

"HE'S HER SON!" You had never yelled so loud in your life. You were furious with Odin, how could he not let Loki go to the funeral? After all, he was her son and he cared for her more than anyone. 

"Father what if Lady (y/n) was to accompany Loki, she'll make sure nothing goes wrong, won't you?" Thor spoke up. 

"I won't let anything bad happen to him or anyone, please just let him come with me." you pleaded to Odin. 

"Very well but if anything remotely goes wrong then I won't hesitate to throw you both in a cell and watch you rot." Odin snapped at you as he left the room. 

You sighed and nodded at Odin as you made your way to the dungeons to tell Loki the news, how you were going to tell him you'll never know. How do you tell someone their mother was just killed all because you couldn't protect her? Before you entered you snapped your head to the left to see your sister talking with Sif. Wasting no time you ran towards her yelling.

"Where were you? You should have been with her!" You yelled at her throwing her up against a wall.

"Get off me you freak I was fighting for Asgard which was more than you were doing." 

"I was fighting in the dungeons with Thor!"

"Oh yeah, the dungeons isn't that where lover boy is being kept?" Georgia sneered at you. You shoved her harder into the wall. "He's not my lover!"

"Oh really? Thought you'd remember all the times you spent together before you messed everything up!" 

"W-what?" You took a step back giving her a confused look. "You tried to take my power away! You were in on it!" 

"You couldn't control it! Maybe if you could then our parents would still be alive and maybe so would Frigga!" You lost it. Your eyes changed to dark blue as blue smoke danced around you.

"(y/n) stop." Sif grabbed your arm and immediately the smoke faded. You gave Sif a sympathetic look and backed away. "I'm off to get Loki." Georgia scoffed at you as you walked off. 

Your heart began to race as you entered the dungeons, you signalled the guard to leave you alone with Loki. He was sat with his back to you, reading. 


"She's gone isn't she?" You stared at him with tears glazing your eyes. Loki set his book down and faced you."How did you know?" You choked out.

"Well, my dear your shouting and outbursts aren't exactly quiet." He gave you a small smile but it soon faded once he saw your tears. A guard made his way over and let Loki out of his cell and you were now facing him. "I-I came to take you to the funeral, I wanted you to say goodbye to her, I'm sorry Loki I couldn't save her. I should have protected her. I'm sorr-" Before you could finish Loki engulfed you in a hug. His height made you feel safe, you lost yourself in his arms until he spoke up. 

"It's not your fault love," He spoke as he pulled away. Nodding at him you lead him out of the dungeon and to the funeral. 

The whole of Asgard had gathered to mourn the death of the Queen, warriors and people of Asgard that lost their lives in the fight. You and Loki stood by Thor and Jane as you watched the boats float down the river. An Archer shot a flaming arrow making Frigga's boat catch alight, soon enough the river was filled with flames as the Asgardians paid their respects.

You wanted to kill that monster that took Frigga away from Loki. You wanted revenge. 

 As Frigga descended into Valhalla you felt something brush against your right hand. Looking down you saw Loki intertwining his hand with yours, a small smile crept to your face but that soon faded when you looked over to Loki who had a tear running down his face. 

"Goodbye, mother," Loki whispered to himself. Still looking at him you nuzzled your head against his arm, he didn't say anything but his grip on your right hand tightened. 

You wanted nothing more than to bring him into a hug and tell him that everything will be fine and you'll kill the monster for what he's done, but you know giving Loki any sort of pity in front of Odin doesn't exactly go down well. You needed to get Loki out of his cell for good. Odin couldn't keep him in there forever, right? 

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