11 • How could I forget you?

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Rays of sunlight poured into your room awaking you, most people would see this as a cute scene from a Disney film, but you were different. "I swear if the sun shines on me again I'm going to lose my shit." You grumbled as you arose from bed.  Suddenly the events of your dream came flooding back, the torture, the pain and the fun, the fun you had with Loki. Striding over to your dresser and threw on your blue dress. Not bothering with how you looked you ran out the door with Gallop hot on your heels to see Loki. 

Whilst walking down the halls you heard a familiar voice call you. "Lady (y/n) breakfast is being served you are more than welcome to join." It was Thor.

"Sorry, Thor I need to see Loki." Before the god could reply you bolted down the hall to the dungeon but you were met with another familiar face. Your sister. 

"That was a bold move you made yesterday sister, taking a murderer to a funeral all because you knew him."

"I did know him until you did something to me, and it was his mother. You'd do the same if it was Thor!" 

"I don't like him like that sister, I never did anything to you. Our parents did."

"You watched it happen I know you did."

"Who told you this? Loki? He's the god of mischief you know. He lies."

"Mischief doesn't necessarily mean he lies, I've been getting my memories back and I know you know more."

"You know nothing (y/n), play your part in Asgard otherwise Loki won't be the only prisoner in the dungeon close to the royals." And with that, she made her way towards Thor without another word. 

"Bitch." You muttered under your breath as you turned on your heel and walked off. 

You entered the dungeon and dismissed the guards assuring them you could handle it if things went south. You looked into Loki's cell to see him reading, not wanting to disturb him you simply sat on the step looking around.

"Why on Midgard are you here?" His voice startled you as you looked over to him in his cell. 

"To see if you're okay."

"Do I look okay?"

"At the moment."

"There's your answer, you can leave now."

You looked down in defeat he hadn't drawn his gaze away from his book. "I had a flash of memories last night, like a dream of my childhood. You and I were running  through the gardens trying to catch each other but you kept outsmarting me with your magic." Both you and Loki smiled softly at the memory. Loki shut his book and made his way towards where you were sitting. 

"You know that day was the worst and best day of my life, I stabbed Thor, I won the game against you, I showed you my true form, you didn't run, you didn't scream, you accepted me. But when I lost you, (y/n) I thought you were gone forever. But I don't know what's worse. You being gone forever or coming back and not knowing who I was to you or how much you meant to me." Tears began to form in Loki's eyes but you were already crying. 

"I'm sorry, how could I ever forget you?" You choked out. 

"No, love it isn't your fault but you said yourself you're remembering things. That's a start." He gave you a weak smile. 

The time you spent in the dungeon made you feel like you'd known Loki all your life, well you did you just couldn't remember him. He told about what happened in Mexico with Thor and how he nearly lost his life but Thanos found him but, that didn't end well. You couldn't help but feel sadness wash over you. Half of these things weren't even his fault if Odin knew how to parent Loki wouldn't be in here right now.

"You know her death is my fault," Loki spoke up after a moment of silence.


"My mothers, I told that creature how to get out. I was so full of rage I wanted him to take Odin but he took one of the only people I love instead."

You stared in shock at Loki, he never came across like the man who would open up as he did. "No Loki, it's not your fault and I know Frigga would never blame you. Me and everyone else should have protected her, I'm sorry."

"No (y/n) it's me it's all my fault, if it weren't for me she might still be alive."

Before you could protest a guard called your name. "Miss (y/n) the prince demands your presence." 

"Tell him I'm busy."

"I'm afraid it's urgent."

Looking back at Loki you placed your hand as close to him as you could and spoke. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise." You smiled at him as you left the dungeon with the guard. 

"This better be good Odinson." 

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