6 • Remember

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There's some swearing in this chapter so I apologise kids. 

You jumped out of your skin at the soft yet demanding voice. The mysterious figure took one slow step towards you, letting their features glow in the sunlight. It was Frigga. You looked up at her in disbelief. Why does she want me gone? Why is she even in my room? How did she get here?  Once again the questions came running through your mind. "W-what do you mean? What's going on?" You sheepishly asked.

"You need to leave here, I can't protect you and now Loki is unable to be by your side to protect you."

"Protect me from what? And what's happened to Loki?" Frigga began to fiddle with her hands, she looked down and sighed. "Odin locked him away for what happened on Midgard." Frigga's sad voice trailed on. 

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"My dear it's not your fault." She said whilst reaching out her hands taking them into yours. "If anything happens to me I need you to keep Loki safe."

"What? What's happening? Who's after you? Is that why I have to leave?" 

"Please I can't explain now, I'm supposed to be with Odin, go see Loki and then you must leave but please help him if anything happens to me. He only has you and Thor left." 

And with that, she left. You sat on the bed looking at Gallop hoping that maybe the glint in his eyes could direct you in the right way. "How can I look after him if I'm gone?" you looked down at Gallop as he rested a paw on your knee. "Thanks, buddy I need to know what's going on, come on." you stood up and slowly looked through the gap of the door. 

You looked through the crack to see no guards but before you could leave Gallop began to nip at your leg like the needy dog he is. "What?" you looked down at him to see his head facing the bed. You crept over cautiously hoping Gallop hadn't seen someone but to your surprise, he was looking at the dress Odin had given to you. 

The dress had white sleeves that reached your elbow and the collar was white too, the rest of the dress was a light royal blue and fell around your ankles, the only way you were going to get through undetected is by wearing the dress. 

You looked down at Gallop and he took the hint and turned around letting you put the dress on. The dress fitted like a dream and you must say you looked pretty damn good in it. "What do you think boy?" Gallop barked in response to your question and that was all the approval you needed. 

Looking out the crack of the door the coast was still clear, you slowly opened the door to see the beautiful golden pillars and marble flooring of the palace, Asgard was truly gorgeous. You had to get to Loki, you had to ask him what was happening. 

You walked down the long halls of the palace but you couldn't help but admire its beauty but you were quickly snapped out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps coming from the end of the hall and they were growing louder every second that went on. You looked down the halls to see two guards walking closer towards you. 

Shit (y/n) think. You began to think about how you were supposed to get out of this situation. Who knows what'll happen if you're caught trying to get to the dungeons to see Loki. 

Looking over past one of the columns something caught your eye. A large gold pot sparkling in the sunlight was stood up on a low shelf upon the wall. Mind control was truly a blessing. With a wave of your hands, the pot levitated in the air and you moved it fast over the guards head to knock them out. 

You put the pot back down and ran down the halls in search of Loki. "I need to get to the dungeons," you said to Gallop. Gallop looked at you and ran through a door and down a set of stairs. "Gallop wait! Where are you going?!" you whisper yelled after him as you followed close behind him. 

As you followed him down the stairs you stopped when you heard bellowing voices shouting and yelling like animals. Gallop had led you to the dungeons. "How on earth did you remember where it was?" you looked down at his hazel eyes, you swore you saw him wink at you. 

As you walked past the prisoners you heard them shout and whistle to which you just rolled your eyes at. That's when you laid eyes on him, he was laying there peacefully reading, he never let the outside world distract him from the world he had in his head. 

"Loki," you called out to him softly. Behind the golden dust like barrier he raised his head, his eyes stared into your soul as he arose from his spot in his cell. 

"My, my, my to what do I owe the pleasure to have a visitor?" Loki smirked as he leaned closer to the barrier to look at you. 

"Loki I need your help, I need you to tell me what's happening, please." 

"Get me out of here and I'll help you."

"How can I do that I'm not even from Asgard." 

"Oh but you are (y/n) you need to think, you need to remember your past." 

"And how will that help?" 

"You'll know how to trust." 

"Can I trust you?" 

"My dear I'm the god of mischief, no one trusts me." 

Before you could speak the sound of guards grew louder. "Oh for god's sake." You spat at him.

"You might want to leave."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." you rolled your eyes at him as you took off up the stairs and back to your room, as you left Loki alone in the dungeon.

 What does he mean, I'll know who to trust? I need to find Thor.

Apologies this hasn't been updated in so long I've had a bad few months, I had a few minor horse riding accidents and then I got into a pretty bad relationship but I finally got out of it and now I'm back and I will be updating weekly or as much as I can, I aim to get the next chapter out by Saturday the 13th or next week, if you read this then I thank you so much. :) 

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