20 • The fight

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"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected," Jane spoke. You couldn't concentrate on them at all. Your mind kept wandering to the thought of Loki. You'd grown to like him a lot in these past few weeks you had gotten to know him. He wasn't an evil villain how everyone made him out to be. In fact, he was an understood guy who never had anyone to talk to or befriend.  

"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal." Erik snapped you out of your thoughts. 

"Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time." 

"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcey added. 

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it." Erik brought out a map of the British Iles as he spoke again. "All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map. Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us...here." He pointed at a certain place on the map.

"Greenwich?" You asked. 

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Thor summons Mjolnir and grabs you so he and you can head to Malekith. Upon arrival a ship starts moving forward and crashing through the library grounds causing fear and chaos until it finally stops in the middle of the grounds, Malekith and his dark elves step off the ship and the same time you and Thor landed in front of Malekith. 

"You needn't have come so far, Asgardian! Death would have come to you soon enough."

"Not by your hand!" You yelled.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished." Malekith threw the power of the Aether in an attempt to attack you and Thor but you both narrowly missed it. 

"You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder." Thor yelled as he threw his hammer towards Malekith. Your eyes started to change colour and blue smoke started to form around you. You were gonna give him hell, after all, he took away Loki so you were going to give him hell. 

You and Thor were fighting Malekith but suddenly the two of them disappeared along with several dark elves. Thor and Malekith are transported through the realms to Svartalfheim and London continuously. 

"Where the hell did they go?" You yelled at Jane. 

"Don't worry they'll be back." Suddenly you heard the screams of Darcey coming from afar. You sprinted off towards the noise and saw Darcy and Ian screaming at a dark elf that was starting to attack them. You used your powers to throw the elf in the air so you could throw it into a nearby building but that didn't stop it. The elf stood up and began to run towards you all but before it could get any closer Ian picked up one of the anti-gravitational energy force sticks and threw the elf into a car. 

"Are you alright?" Ian asked. 

"You saved my life."

"Yeah. Yes, I did." Darcy looked at him in awe as she pulled him down to kiss her. 

"Oh brilliant." You muttered as you rolled your eyes at the couple as Jane came running out of the library. 


"Jane!" Darcy yelled as she dropped Ian on the floor. 

"Ian?" Erik questioned.

"Selvig!" Suddenly Mjolnir flew past you all snapping you away from the conversation.

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