4 • An unexpected visitor

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You decided  it was best to stay with him after all he did just  freak out in front of you and then just fell asleep on you. You climbed off the bed and slouched down in the chair by his bed, you looked over at from the chair you were currently sitting on. He looked so peaceful. Small amounts of the moonlight danced through the curtains and rested on his face so his dark handsome features stood out perfectly. I bet all of the girls in Asgard drool over him. You thought to yourself as you began to feel yourself falling asleep in the chair. 

"What in the name of Asgard are you doing in here?!" Your eyes shot open and you stumbled off the chair in shock at the sound of Loki's voice. "Ugh." You groaned as you got off the floor. "You had a nightmare last night so I stayed with you to make sure you were alright." You said whilst rubbing your eyes trying to look at Loki. "Pfft I'm a god I don't need some small weak midgardian watching over me." Loki sneered back at you. God his morning voice was so hot. You thought to yourself completely forgetting he was still talking to you. "Hey (y/n) are you even listening to me?" Loki shouted at distracting you from thinking about him. You snapped your head up to look at him. "Umm yeah sorry what did you say I got distracted." You sheepishly replied.  Loki rolled his eyes at you and began to get out of bed and walk out of his new room. "Coming?" he said whilst standing in the door way of the bedroom staring at you. You nodded your head and began to follow him. Thank god he can't read my mind. You began to think. As you walked past him he leaned in so his mouth was inches away from your ear and whispered. "Oh you'd be surprised." Loki said as he overtook you and made his way into the kitchen with a large smirk plastered on his face.

You gave him a weird look. Wait did he really know what I was thinking?  You brushed the thought of it away and made your way over to him. "I'll make breakfast you can go watch TV or do something to entertain yourself." You told Loki as you made your way to turn the TV on for him. Loki was in awe over the TV you couldn't help but giggle to yourself. You began to make you and Loki some pancakes as he sat on the sofa staring at the TV. You carried both your plates over to the sofa for you and Loki as you both sat on the sofa watching TV whilst eating pancakes. You needed to talk to him. Maybe he can tell you more about your family. "So my family..." 

"What about them?" Loki replied as he never broke his gaze from the TV.

"Why did they make all my childhood memories a blur and not my sisters? How did they know you? What was my life like before New York?"  You were about to continue when Loki raised his hand stopping you. "They never took away your sisters memories because she was older and responsible enough not to say anything unlike you." You gave him a strange look before he could continue. "Your mother and father grew up with Odin and Frigga, so when me and Thor came alone so did you and your sister we all ended up becoming friends and spent all of our time with one another." Loki had some sadness in his voice, but you couldn't work out why. Something else stood out to you. Why did he not say Odin and Frigga were his parents? Why did he refer to them by their names? You began to think. You didn't bother to ask him why, you had seen him angry and that was when he tried to take over New York.  

"Well I'm going to go shower and get dressed I'm sure you can entertain yourself." You said to Loki as you walked into your room only to be greeted by a loud bark. "Sorry Gallop I stayed with Loki last night he had a nightmare so I made sure he was ok." Gallop gave you a confusing look before trotting out the room towards his food bowl. You rolled your eyes at the German shepherd. He's such a diva. Much like Loki. You thought to yourself as you got in the shower.

Meanwhile in Asgard

"Did she ever find out?" Odin asked your sister. 

"No, mother and father kept it from (y/n) ever since we left Asgard. We were on our way to take her away but someone stopped us. Someone knew our plan. Someone's protecting her. But who?" Georgia replied. Frigga rolled her eyes.

"Just leave the girl your parents were wrong to do what they did." Frigga sternly replied as she walked out of the throne room.

Back on earth •

You hopped out the shower and dried yourself off. You added a dash of make-up and left your (y/h/c) hair down. You slipped on a pair of jeans and a shirt along with a black bomber jacket, you put on your black military style boots ready to take Gallop on a walk. "Gallop boy come on its time for a walk!" You called out as you walked out to your living room, you only got a glance at Gallop running towards  you when a large explosion rang out at your front door. You crouched down pulling Gallop into you. Loki shot up and ran to your side. "We need to leave, now." Loki said as he pulled you and Gallop into his arms. "Bring us back!" Loki shouted.

"What's happening? Loki what's going on?" You said looking up at him. Gallop began to bark as he sat in your arms. Loki shot his head up and he saw two shadowy figures walking towards you three. Suddenly a beam of light surrounded you both and took you away.

"She's gone, he took her." One of the figures said as they walked to the last spot they say you and Loki.

"Then we go after her. He can't protect her for very long."         

Thank you to everyone who's been reading my story it means a lot thank you all so much. I apologise for the late update and I also apologise if I don't update in the next five days it's only because I'm going on holiday and I don't know what the wifi will be like. Anyway hope you're enjoying the story so far.

- Angel

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