18 • You're my hero

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You walked with Thor, Jane and Loki to Malekith and his men, your heart was pounding at this point. You needed to ask Loki about your parents and why he had saved you. You were broken out of your thoughts when you hit into something tall and firm. Looking up you had walked straight into Loki. 

"Careful love." You smiled at his comment and walked to stand next to him. 

" Alright, are you ready?" Thor asked. 

"I am," Loki said as you all stood up from your hiding spot before he spoke again. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed." 

"Yeah, possibly," Thor replied looking at Loki. Loki held up his bound hands and gave you and Thor a pleading look. 

"You still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?" Thor replied as he stalked over to Loki taking off his handcuffs. 

"No, I wouldn't," Loki smirked at you as he pulled out a dagger and stabbed Thor sending him down the hill in which you were all hiding at. 

"Thor! No!" Jane screeched as you looked upon the scene in horror.

"What the fuck! Loki!" You yelled as you sprinted down the hill to catch up with the brothers. 

"You really think I cared about Frigga, about any of you?" Loki kicked Thor in the stomach before continuing. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!" Thor held his hand out in an attempt to summon Mjolnir but Loki struck his dagger down and cut off Thor's hand. At this point, Jane had caught up with you and ran down to Thor whereas you stood there like you had just seen a ghost. Before Jane could assess the damage Loki grabbed her and spoke to Malekith and the dark elves. 

"Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim, I and my queen bring you a gift!" Loki spat smirking at you as he threw Jane down in front of Malekith and pulled you into his side. He looked down at you and winked. 

"What the hell are you doing?" You whispered to him but he ignored you as he spoke again. 

"I ask only one thing in return, a good seat for the both of us from which to watch Asgard burn." 

Algrim spoke to Malekith to reassure him about Loki. "He is an enemy of Asgard, he was locked in a cell, her, on the other hand, is one to look out for." Malekith stared you down as he stalked towards Thor and bent down. "Look at me." He spoke darkly as he moved Thor with his foot. He arose and glared over at Jane. He started to extract the Aether from her and Jane was lifted off the ground looking as scared as a deer in headlights. 

"Loki what's going on?" You turned to face him as his grip around you tightened. 

"It's our plan, trust me we will be okay." He gave you a small smile before focusing his attention back onto Thor. Malekith had finished extracting the Aether and left Jane to struggle on the ground. 

"Loki, now!" Thor yelled. With a green flash Thor's hand had returned and he held it out to summon Mjolnir, he shot a lightning bolt towards the Aether. Quickly catching onto their plan you ran out of Lokis grip and summoned your powers in an attempt to help Thor destroy the Aether. Malekith watched in awe at the blue smoke that surrounded you. 

"We need her down, now." He yelled at the elves as he pointed towards you. You and Thor were unsuccessful with destroying the Aether but Malekith was still able to absorb it. He glared right at you and turned around to get onto his ship. Two of the dark elves started to run at you and Thor, using your powers you raised one and threw him into the ground hard enough to kill him. Meanwhile, Thor was taking out the other one who ran at you both. 

"You know I could have handled that on my own." Thor huffed. 

"Of course you could." You smiled running off to attack the rest of the elves.

Algrim watched you leave Thor as he threw one of his vortex weapons in the air towards you, looking up you saw what was happening and without thinking blue smoke started to form around you and you deflected the weapon away from you, however, you didn't realise you had thrown it by Jane until it was too late. 

"Jane no!" You yelled capturing Janes attention. She threw her hands up in an attempt to save herself but Loki pushed her out the way and was starting to be sucked into the portal. You got up and ran towards Loki but Thor was already there pulling his brother to safety. Tears began to form in your eyes as you realised what your careless actions nearly caused. Running up to Loki you threw yourself in his arms and started spitting out apologies to him.

"Don't apologise, darling, we have a fight to win." Loki pulled himself away and went over to Thor. At this time Thor was attacking Algrim but the god's powers weren't helping him. He was thrown back as Algrim stalked forward ready to end the god for good at least that's what he thought would happen. Loki stepped out of the shadows and impaled Algrim from behind. Standing with Jane you watched it all unfold, a smile swam across your face as you saw Loki save his brother but, that quickly faded when Algrim pulled Loki forward impaling him too. 

"Loki!" You yelled ditching Jane and running towards him. Your eyes turned a deep shade of blue as smoke danced and circled you. Using your powers you threw Algrim off of Loki and started to clench your fist causing him to suffocate. Before you could finish Loki yelled at Algrim. 

"See you in hell monster!" Turning around with the last of his strength Algrim saw his own vortex weapon attached to him causing him to explode in a blast of his own weapon and your powers. You collapsed on the ground screaming due to the overwhelming effects of using your powers for that long. Through your waterlogged eyes, you could see Thor running over to Loki. Despite the pain and your vision being blurry you ran over to Loki's side. 

"No. No, no, no! Oh, you fool, you didn't listen!" Thor yelled at his dying brother. 

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool!" Loki squirmed in pain as he spoke.

"Stay with me, okay? If not for me for her!" Thor spoke and pointed over to you as you ran over to Loki and Thor. You stumbled over to Loki and crashed down by his side as you cupped his face. 

"You idiot I could have taken him myself!" You cried. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He choked out. 

"You saved me, that day when my parents died. They were coming back for me, to experiment on me for my powers." At this point, you were sobbing into the god's chest. Loki placed a hand on your back as he spoke again. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted you to be safe." 

Thor bent down and started to speak to Loki as Jane observed from afar.  

"It's okay. I'll tell father what you did here today." 

"I didn't do it for him." With that Loki, softly grabbed your face forcing you to look at him as he started to choke out his final words. "(y/n) I-" Before he finished his eyes fell shut like a finished book and his skin turned icy cold. He was gone. Thor started to yell as his eyes were welling up with tears. You felt dizzy with sadness. You never got to tell him what you wanted to say. Moving down to his face you planted a kiss on his forehead and spoke to him one last time. 

"You're a hero. You're my hero."

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