15 • Protector

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You walked over to Thor and Jane as Loki trailed behind you. Volstagg was talking as you approached. 

"I will give you as much time as I can," Volstagg spoke to Thor as they shook hands. 

"Thank you, my friend." You and Jane thanked him and smiled as you walked towards the ship. Loki went to follow but was stopped by Volstagg's sword. 

"If you even think about betraying him..."

"You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line." Loki followed you, Jane and Thor, onto Malekith's crashed ship. Thor gave you a confused look and started to randomly press buttons. 

"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing," Loki spoke as he entered the ship. 

"I said, "how hard could it be?" 

"They're on the ship!" A guard yelled outside causing a wave of panic to wash over you. Volstagg attempts to hold them off as best as he could as Thor tried to work out how to start the ship. 

"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster," Loki spoke. 

"Shut up, Loki."

"You must have missed something." 

" No, I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing," Thor yelled as he starting hitting all the buttons in his eye line. 

"No, don't hit it, just press it gently." 

"I am pressing it gently. It's not working!" 

"Oh for the love of God." You sighed as the two brothers argued. Suddenly, the ship sprang to life causing Thor to laugh and smile at his success. Thor attempts to guide the ship smoothly out of the palace but instead of a smooth quiet flight, he decides to knock down every collum insight.

"I think you missed a column." Loki smugly spoke. 

"Shut up!" 

"Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot."

"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us which one can actually fly?"

"Well if it wasn't for your hammer you'd still be planted on the ground." You interjected.

"Exactly!" Loki yelled. Whilst the two brothers argued they failed to notice Jane slowly going pale and leaning on the ship for support until she finally gave way and fell on the floor.

"Oh, dear. Is she dead?" 

"Jane!" Thor called out to a lifeless Jane who used her strength to reply faintly. 

"I'm okay."

As you all continued to fly Thor smashed into a wall causing another part of Asgard to fall to pieces. 

"Not a word."

"Now they're following us." Loki huffed out as a small Asgardian ship followed alongside and started firing.

"Now they're firing at us!"

"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki! It's not at all distracting!" You rolled your eyes as Thor flew into a large statue of King Bor knocking his head clean off and sent it tumbling to a watery death. 

"Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather." 

"Loki shut up." You scowled him like a child. The small ship kept firing as Loki began to argue with you all.

"You know this is wonderful. This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brilliant!" Thor's face was full of anger and rage as he grabbed Loki and launched him out of the ship's door. 

"I mean you could have been a bit nicer there." You spoke to Thor looking up at the god. 

"I'd wipe that smile off your face lady (y/n), you're next." Before you could protest Thor threw you out off the ship causing you to land on an unhappy God of Mischief. 

"You know Loki, you make a good pillow."

"Believe it or not dear that isn't the first time you have ever said that to me." He replied shoving you off so he could stand. Shortly after Jane and Thor joined you on the small ship which was being flown by Fandral. 

"I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki." 

"You lied to me. I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you're pleased. Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway." Thor huffed holding Jane close to him. The peace didn't last long when the Asgardian ships spotted you escaping. 

"Right. For Asgard." You watched Fandral jump off the ship and attack the guards below.

"Brave guy." You muttered to yourself but Loki heard you. 

"Oh please, he's a fool." 

"Calm down reindeer games." 

"What? How did you know about that unspeakable name." 

"Tony Stark called you it on the news once." Loki ignored you and flew towards the mountains.


"If it were easy everyone would do it." 

"Are you mad?"

"Possibly." Thor grabbed Jane and shielded her as best he could whilst you crouched down by Loki's legs. Closing your eyes you felt something touch your side almost like someone was shielding you. Looking up you saw Loki had put his left leg around your left side as best he could in an attempt to protect you whilst flying the ship. Smiling at the man you moved closer towards him for safety. Although he could be an ass he would protect you and make sure you were okay. That was made clear to you when you entered Asgard. You remember him protesting that you kept your dog Gallop, not even your own sister did that for you.

"Ta-da!" You looked around you and saw a dark, miserable place. You were in Svartalfheim. 

"No going back now." You muttered to yourself. 

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