21 • The trickster

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"He saved me!" You spat back at her.

"Saved you? He doomed you! Look at us now, we're stuck here without our parents because that monster took them away from us!" 

"He's no monster! Maybe if you took the time to get to know him and knew what he'd been through maybe you'd understand! He saved me from our parents. They were coming to extract my power and use it as a weapon you know that yet you still  believed what they were doing was right!" 

"You can't control it!" 

"Yes, I can." You sternly said through gritted teeth at your sister. 

"Your power could have saved Asgard but you were too selfish to help your own planet." Georgia started to make advances towards you with every word. 

"You can't just take someone and make them into your weapon it's inhumane!" You yelled out as you started to slowly move back. 

"It's a small wage to pay for peace though don't you think sister?" 

"You're just as insane as they are!" You yelled gesturing to Asgard. 

"Insane? Look whos talking. You befriended a killer!" 

"And you worship the gods and warriors of this place like they haven't killed." You threw back as she gave you another glare. 

"Let it be sister. Go down quietly whilst I do what our parents never got the chance to do."

"Get away from me!" 

"He can't save you now!" She yelled at you as she pulled out a sword from her side and started to run towards you. Dropping down onto one knee you moved out of her way and rolled over to her right side. Using your powers you threw her back against the wall. Although she was trying to kill you, you didn't exactly want to kill her or hurt her. She was still your sister no matter what. 

"Fight back!" She yelled getting up to take another hit at you. 

"No! Georgia you're my sister no matter what! I can't kill you or hurt you!" 

"You're just like mum, she was like that. She cared. She wouldn't hurt anyone, well other than you. That's where you and her differ, she wanted power and you've got it." Georgia spat and threw her sword in your direction. Moving back you dodged the sword as you landed a swift punch to her side. Georgia fell back however held the sword close to her as she rose to her feet again. 

"Come on (y/n) he's gone, why not join him?" 

"Shut up!" You yelled at her and used your power to throw her into a nearby wall. Her body smashed into the wall and landed back onto the floor with a loud bang. Tears of anger started to flood your eyes as you watched her eyes but your expression started to soften as you noticed she wasn't moving. "Oh god." You muttered as you ran over to her praying that you hadn't just killed her. You laid her on her back as you scanned her face for a sign of life. 

"You should have been more careful sister, you don't know what trick someone has up their sleeve!" Georgia choked out as she pulled a small knife from her pocket and slashed your stomach. You fell back and held your stomach, the wound wasn't deep but she slashed you hard enough to spill blood. Georgia stood up with the sword in her hand as she stalked towards you like an animal stalking its prey. 

"I should pity you sister, after all, you lost the man you loved, lost family and you're going to die. But why would I pity someone who loves the man who killed our parents?" 

"Who said I loved him?" You spat. 

"How stupid do you think I am? I've seen the way you look at him, how you two held hands at the funeral. How you sneak away from formal events to go and see him in the dungeons, shame you couldn't tell him that." She raised the sword to strike you one last time. "Maybe you'll be able to tell him once I'm done with you!" She struck the sword down and you braced yourself for the impact but it never came. 

Slowly opening your eyes you saw Odin standing over you blocking your sisters' attack. "To the dungeons with this one!" Odin yelled as several guards came in and dragged Georgia away. "(Y/n) this isn't over! He can't protect you for long! I will avenge our parents wish!" Georgia started to yell as she was taken away. 

"Leave us," Odin spoke to the remaining guards as they followed his orders and walked out of the room. "You were lucky child." 

"Thank you, Odin." You stood up still holding your stomach. Odin turned his back on you and started to pace forward away from you. "I'm sorry about Loki if I could go back and give my life for his I would." 

"He's a trickster." Odin simply stated. Giving him a confused look you stepped closer towards him and spoke again. 

"Will there be a funeral for him?" 

"He always had a trick." 

"What?" At this point, you were beyond confused. 

"Do you really think he would have left you?" Before you could answer a bright green light started to shine around Odin, instead of a short decaying man standing in front of you he was replaced with a tall slender, handsome man. It was Loki. He turned around to meet your gaze, he gave you a small smile as he started to walk towards you. 

"Hello love." 

"How did you-" You couldn't even finish before the tears started to flow down your face. Loki cupped your face and started to wipe away your tears with his thumbs as you leaned into his touch. "Wait where is Odin?" 

"Somewhere far away from us both." 

"You didn't kill him did you?" 

"Now darling why in the nine realms would I do that?" He gave you a sly smirk. 

"I know it was you, the day my parents were coming home. It was you who saved me. My hero." You whispered the last part causing his eyes to look deep into yours. 

"You think I'm a hero?" 

"Yes Loki, you're my hero." Tears were still falling from your eyes as you looked into his eyes. The two of you were just looking at one another in silence before Loki started to slowly move closer until his lips were against yours. The kiss was deepening and full of love. A kiss that you had both waited for, for a long time. You started to accept the kiss and deepened it until the two of you broke apart. 

"We should get that looked at." He looked down at the blood seeping through your clothes causing you both to break out in a smile. 

"Do they know?" 

"Of course not. I plan to keep it that way. So will come and stand by my side?" 

"Always but wait, how?" 

"Well I plan to trick them all then when I'm around my love there will be no tricks in sight." You grinned at him and leaned up to plant another kiss on his lips. "You're safe now." Loki muttered to you. 

"I'm always safe with you." You replied looking deep into his eyes. 

"We have time. All the time the nine realms can give us. Thor has gone back to Midgard and the people don't suspect a thing."

A large smile grew across your face as the two of you went to attend to your wounds but Loki stopped you at the door. 

"I love you (y/n)." Loki shyly spoke before you two exited the room. 

"I love you too Loki." He turned back into Odin as the two of you walked away to get your injury looked at. From that day forward you were now starting a new life in Asgard with your hero, Loki. 

Well, this story has finally come to an end and I couldn't be happier with the response to it. Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me throughout this story I love you all so much. Maybe I'll make a sequel to this book who knows ;) I hope you are all staying safe, thank you all so much :) 

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