2 • Lost memories

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"What do you mean we aren't from New York or earth?" You said to your sister.

"(y/n) enough we'll talk about this after the funeral." Your sister sternly replied. You huffed at her and began to slouch on the bench. You looked over at Thor and Loki only to see Loki staring right at you with a smirk on his face, you scoffed at him as you turned back around to focus on the funeral.

Your sister gave a speech about your parents, everyone was crying. But not you. How could you? You began to think to yourself. You did love them but now you know how much they lied to you. But why? You kept glancing over at the unknown people sat beside you, they were all so different from you, they were all crying. Apart from Loki. He was looking at you. Again. Ugh would he just stop? You thought to yourself. His dark features were very handsome. Wait (y/n) what are you talking about? He destroyed so much in New York, why are you thinking about him like that? You thought. But he hot though. Oh my god (y/n) stop! You mentally slapped yourself. Before you knew it, it was time to leave for the after party.

Everyone left the church as you all drove to a large hall on the outskirts of town. "Explain." You said to your sister whilst driving.

"Fine, we aren't from New York we are actually from Asgard. Mother and father were good friends with Odin who is the King and Frigga who is the Queen. Their sons Thor and Loki were our best friends. You and Loki were pretty close."  Your sister said as she looked over at you and smiled.

"Well I don't remember that."

"That's because you were young and both mother and father and the king and queen knew it would be best if they blurred your memories so you could live a normal life in New York. Anyway we left Asgard because the realm needed to be protected because no one else would. At one point we were supposed to marry the two prince's." Your sister replied whilst smiling to herself.

"Excuse me what?! You're telling me our parents were going to marry me off to some dark, big headed control freak?!" You shouted at her.

" Hey you weren't saying that at the time! " Your sister replied as you rolled your eyes at her latest remark. As you both ended up driving to the hall in silence.

You had arrived at the hall and your sister introduced you to everyone but she left the royal family of Asgard till last. You walked over to the family with nerves running through your body. "Aww there you are (y/n) it's so nice to see you again!" Frigga smiled. You looked at her like she was insane, you didn't even know this woman why is she even speaking to you? You looked back at your sister wanting her to help you out of this mess. "Her memories never came back, she doesn't know any of you." Georgia said sadly.

"Actually I know Thor and Loki, Thor saved New York whilst Loki tried destroying it." You said with sas in your voice looking at Loki with a sarcastic grin plastered on your face. "I wasn't destroying it i was simply trying to rule." Loki simply replied.

"Whatever." You replied whilst rolling your eyes. After your little spat with Loki your sister began to introduce you to the royal family from what you gathered, Odin couldn't parent to save his life, Loki says he hates everyone but in reality he cares so much about Thor and Frigga, Thor can't order drinks or keep a good relationship with Jane considering he hasn't seen her in months and Frigga needs an award for how much she puts up with.

You decided you need a drink after all its not everyday you're told you're from a different planet. You sit down at the bar alone waiting for your drink, you then realise you're not alone. You turn around to see a tall, dark haired and pale man wearing a black suit staring at you. "My my my you look ravishing." Loki said staring into your eyes.

"What do you want?" You replied whilst rolling your eyes. "(y/n) you really don't remember me do you?" He said whilst smiling to himself. "God how stupid are you did you not listen to a word my sister said?!"  You snapped at him, you grabbed your drink and got up to leave. "Now if you don't mind me I'm leaving and I'll never have to see you again." You said as you got up to leave but before you could Loki grabbed your wrist. "You don't know do you?" Loki replied.

"Know what?"

"You're coming back to Asgard with me." Loki said as he smiled.

"Get off me I'm not coming anywhere with you!" You sneered at Loki. Loki moved his face close to yours. "You're coming with me and you can't do anything about it." He had a glint in his eyes that told you he was serious. You pulled your wrist away from his grip and stormed over to your sister. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"We are going back to Asgard with them!" You shouted at her whilst pointing at Loki. Your sister looked down as she muttered her reply. "Yes, it's where we belong." You gave her a disgusted look. "No sis it's where you belong, not me I belong here in New York. I have to go to college and get a job plus sis unlike you I've got friends here so for your information I'm staying here." You sternly said to her as you began to gather your stuff as you walked to your car. " (y/n) wait! How am I supposed to get home if you drive off? " Your sister screamed out.

"Don't come home, go back to Asgard like you said you would!" You shouted back. As you began to drive off you saw Loki one more time staring right at you. He was smirking at you as if he knew something you didn't.

You drove back with music on in the car, you began to sing along trying to forget about today. Once you had arrived home you decided to get changed and took Gallop out for a walk. The night sky was beginning to engulf the daylight, you noticed this and began to speed up with the walk. You knew being out in the dark wasn't the best idea although the darkness calmed you it wasn't exactly safe. As you walked back to your house you felt as if someone was watching you. You heard Gallop bark at something behind you. You shot your head around only to see nothing, only darkness. "Come on boy let's get inside." You said to Gallop as you began to unlock your door.

You stepped inside your freezing cold house but something wasn't right. You weren't alone. "(y/n)." You heard a dark well spoken voice say. Gallop began to growl and bark at the darkest corner of the room. "I told you that you're coming to Asgard with me." You knew who it was. It was Loki.

"Get out!" You yelled at him.

"Why? We have so much to talk about." He said as he smiled at you looking like the Cheshire cat.

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