20: Broken Hearts

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After walking out Youngjae just walked with no one place in mind, he just wanted to get away. The younger just couldn't figure out what Jaebum's problem was, first he was nice and then he's an asshole all over again; it's like he cycling through two different personalities. Youngjae was mad at himself more than anything, he shouldn't have been so trusting towards the older. He should have known better than to accept Jaebum's apology so quickly and now he's paying the price for his screw up. It was like everything was hitting targeting him one by one and now all at once. His dad was dying and he got hurt by someone he thought he could trust. 

The younger male entered an alleyway, he stopped about midway and just stood there. All Youngjae wanted to do was run back to Jaebum, Youngjae wanted Jaebum to apologize; to just say he didn't mean it. Youngjae knew that his hopes were just an out of reach dream and he knew Jaebum meant it. That's what separated them in the first place and that's what will keep them apart forever. The brunette felt tears well up in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He wasn't going to let Jaebum get the best of him again, Youngjae refused to let that happen.

He took a deep breath and continued walking and twenty minutes later found himself standing in front of a hotel. "I guess this is where I'm going to stay for a little bit," he said to himself before walking in.

"Hi, how may I help you?" Asked the reception lady at the front desk Youngjae stood before.

"Um, I would like a room with a queen sized bed to please," Youngjae requested which was then fulfilled when he was told there was an available room on the top floor. She handed him a key to the hotel room and he thanked her before walking away.

Youngjae walked to the elevator and just before he pressed the button someone did before him, their hands grazed each other which startled the younger. He looked up to see a tall, raven-haired male standing beside him. The unknown person lets out a chuckle before speaking, "I guess I beat you to it huh?". Out of politeness, Youngjae smiled, but he wasn't really in a mood to interact with anyone. When the elevator door opened they both walked in and stayed in opposite corners with a large space kept in between them. Thick silence filled the room and when the top floor was reached they both walked out and went to their rooms.

Youngjae took another deep breath before entering the room. Memories of him and Jaebum goofing off and having fun in a hotel room filled his head. The last time he had been in a hotel room was with Jaebum and it was because of a business meeting the older had. Not wanting Youngjae to spend a week in the house alone he invited him to tag along. They had played board games, cards, stayed up late, and stuffed their faces full of food that whole week. Youngjae suppressed the memory of them and dropped his black duffel bag before letting himself fall onto the bed. Youngjae took out his phone and look at the time; it was five in the morning which meant the sun was about to rise.

The brunette got out of his bed and headed towards the rooftop because he wanted to look at the sunrise before doing anything else. Once Youngjae found a door to the rooftop he entered it and walked towards the edge. Just in time, as if on cue the sky started to change colors; the sky went from blue to white to a light pink hue. The soft white clouds slowly moved across the sky without a care in the world, providing a contrast to the color-filled sky and letting out a shine from the sun hiding behind them.

A tear fell out of Youngjae's eye, it was then followed by streams of the same clear, salty liquid. He stood there with his head in his hands letting his long, overdue tears flow out of his deep, earthy eyes. Youngjae didn't hear the door open behind him, but he did hear when the person who entered without a sound spoke.

"Well, this a rather sad way of meeting each other once again isn't it?" The mysterious male rhetorically asked before joining the younger at the edge of the rooftop. He kept a space between them though, he knew his place. When Youngjae didn't say anything the male made it his duty to carry the lacking conversation.

"I'll introduce myself so I won't be a total stranger. My name is Park Jinyoung," The tall man said as he looked at the bright, colorful sky in front of him.

"I'm Youngjae," The younger said rather quietly.

"Well, Youngjae you seem like you need some space and I don't want to bother you so I'll leave and give you the space you need," Jinyoung said before turning around and heading towards the door to go back to his room. He was a little sad that Youngjae didn't want a talk with him, but he knew the male probably had a good reason as to why he didn't. 

"No, it's okay you can stay. I just have a lot on my mind and I don't really know what to pay attention to at the moment," Youngjae admitted which caused Jinyoung to turn around and walk back to the edge. 

"If it means anything, you can tell me what's bothering you? I'm just a stranger anyways so it's not like I can judge you in any way, but maybe I could provide advice," The older male offered which caused Youngjae to let out a little chuckle.

He wasn't sure as to why this man he just met was so willing to help him and he wasn't really sure if he should trust him either. After everything that has happened, he wasn't sure if he should trust anyone anymore. Youngjae was just confused about everything and didn't really know what to do anymore, he had no one to turn to.

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