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06 | battle

NOVA'S BREATHING GREW SHAKY AS SHE CHANGED INTO HER UPGRADED SUIT AND GOOGLES. Tony upgraded both hers and Peter's suits. The girl felt way more cooler. It saddened her that she needed to return the suit after the fight.

Nova clenched her googles tightly. Anxiety was eating her up, since this was the Avengers she would fight. The girl was all alone, so nobody was there to calm her down. Tony told them that Peter needed to stay behind a cargo box, and she was hidden at the parking lot.

The googles indicated that she wasn't alone in there. It zoomed to a blurry figure of a woman with long hair, and a man holding a bow behind him. Just as she was looking at them, the word's Tony had told her earlier kept on repeating on her mind; If you see a woman with long, brown hair, do not show your powers to her, and stay away from her.

Nova didn't ask why, luckily for Tony. The teenager didn't need to know that Wanda Maximoff had a dead twin brother who had very similar powers to Nova, and Wanda may or may not be triggered when she sees Nova using her powers.

"Underoos!" Tony screamed. Nova was snapped out of her thoughts when Peter appeared on the air, using his webbing to take away Captain America's sheild from him, locked his hands together and gracefully landed on a helicopter.

"Hey everyone!" she heard the faint voice of Peter scream. "You've got to be kidding me," Nova muttered to herself and walked backwards, going towards her allies. She decided to conserve her energy, since there was a big chance she was going to be drained later on.

When she was about to go towards Peter, who was still exchanging words with Tony and Captain America, a bow flew towards her direction, flying at one of the gaps between her fingers.

Alarmed, she looked up to where the bow came from. Hawkeye was with Wanda. He pulled another arrow, but Nova was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Guys? I think something's-" Peter's voice was cut off with a groan. Again, to Nova, the worled played in slow-motion again. Dashing towards Peter, a very tiny man was growing bigger by second that passed. Nova flicked Ant-Man away with her finger, who was slowly flying towards the sky. She got ahold of Captain's sheild, and ran towards Tony's side.

"Ouch!" the tiny body of Ant-Man screamed, and landed on the ground with a large impact. Nobody aided him or noticed him. He was still a centimeter tall. Peter massaged his jaw, but grinned behind his mask when he realized what had just happened.

"So, what do you have? A teleporter?" Captain acquired. Nova bit her lip out of nervousness. "No. She's just really fast."

Nova was too busy listening to their conversation, not noticing that Ant-Man had resurfaced from the fall and was crawling on the sheild, about to do what was originally directed towards Peter.

Ant-Man grew and kicked Nova on the jaw, catching Nova off guard and resulting in her not being able to stop Lang from taking the shield from her.

Scott Lang, otherwise known as Ant-Man, appeared infront of them and handed Cap back his shield. "I believe this is yours, Captain America."

The muscled man did not respond, but put his webbed hands up in the air. An arrow hit the web and freed Captain America. He now took the sheild that Scott had obtained.

"Oh great. All right, there's two on the parking lot. One of them is Maximoff. I'm going to grab her." Tony spoke into his communicator and flew into air. "Rhodney, you wanna take Cap? Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes."

"Barnes is mine." Black Panther said, and raced into his direction.

"Mr. Stark? What do we do?" Peter spoke through the ground. "What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web them up. Nova, go distract 'em."

"Got you."

Swift watched Iron Man fly away, while Peter flung into the air. Captain America ran towards Black Panther, while Ant Man stood infront of Black Widow.

Nova rushed towards Ant-Man and Black Widow, who Tony had told her was an ally. Appearing infront of the two in milliseconds, they both paused when they saw her appear infront of them.

"Damn, that is creepy." Ant-Man pointed out, before punching a distracted Natasha on the jaw. The woman fell down with a groan. Nova faced the man and closed her eyes, and the familiar slow motion was happening again.

Nova smirked at Ant-Man, and punched him hard, causing him to fly forwards. She then went behind him and punched him again, and his body was slowly flying to the other direction again. Nova kept on repeating the cycle of punching Ant-Man, until she looked behind her and saw a bow flying towards her direction. Sighing, Nova jumped to reach the bow and stop it from hitting anyone.

Time resumed again.

Ant-Man groaned and fell on the floor. "Thanks," Natasha breathlessly said to the teenager, before running of to find someone to help.

Nova stared at Scott Lang for a breif moment, before disappearing again. The man couldn't take that his ass just got beaten by a teenager.

Nova looked around, and saw Peter looking like he was having trouble with Barnes And Wilson. She speeded towards them, causing Sam to be slightly surprised that the girl just suddenly appeared infront of them.

"Hey," Nova greeted Sam and punched him at the side of his head. The strength Nova had surprised Sam for a brief moment, but he took a hold of himself and went to attack the girl.

When Nova was about to punch again, a web wrapped her hand up. Then her legs.

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed. Peter, who was attacking Bucky, flew a web out to the ceiling and looked down to see the comottion. "Why are you webbed up?"

"I don't know! Your the only person with webbing in here, let me go!" Nova screamed while desperately trying to dodge all of the attacks Sam was giving. "And web this dude up first!"

Giving Nova a nod, Peter webbed Sam and kicked him down to the first floor.

"Get the knife in my pocket." Nova rushed. Peter nodded and took a blade out of the girls pocket, and slashed it on the webs, alowing Nova to escape.

The girl's eyes widened when she saw Bucky running towards them. "Watch out!"

Peter swiftly looked behind him and held Barnes' metal arm before it could hit anyone. "You have a metal arm? That is so cool—"

Sam smashed into Peter. Bucky and Nova were left, and they stared at each other for a few seconds. Nova was definitely scared of Bucky, since she saw him on T.V once or twice.

Bucky was about to punch her, until time was slow again, and Nova punched Bucky repeatedly, doing what she did to Ant-Man earlier. When time resumed again, the soldier was in a daze for a short time until he went to attack Nova again.

"I'm sorry!" Nova ducked and avoided Bucky's punch, causing his arm to stick to the wall out of impact. Bucky's eyes widened when he noticed Nova's voice; she was just a teenager.

Nova then disappeared in a blink of an eye. Again.

The sounds of car crashing caught her attention. Tony was being ambushed by cars that were falling out of the parking lot, due to Wanda. Nova ran up to the cars that were now slowly falling.

After making sure that Tony wasn't going to be hit by anything, she collapsed on the floor, forgetting that Clint and Wanda were still back there.

Before she knew it, a red mist swirled around her body and threw her to the opposite direction. Nova let out a groan of frustration when she saw that her right arm was bleeding, but it wasn't too severe. Concentrating on the would, the bleeding stopped, and was now replaced by a faint scar.

Nova looked around her. Madness was happening. Peter was thrown out of the window, and he fell on a pile of boxes. Everyome was just fighting.

Nova heaved out a sigh and stood up; ready to battle again.

This was going to be harder than she originally thought.

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