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After hours and hours of working, Tony had finally found him.

Peter Maximoff.

Tony let Nova stay in the facility, with her using the room that Wanda had once occupied. Nova didn't want to do this, but she had no choice. All of her dads brothers didn't want to take care of her, and she wasn't able to live alone since she was technically still a minor. Tony Stark willingly let her live in the facility, mentoring her along the way.

It was 9 months after her dad had died, and Nova still didn't quite move on. She was close to Pepper, who instantly had a spot in her heart, since her dad was much like her.

As he had found out, Nova's real dad, Peter Maximoff was once part of the X-men. He lived in a small town in Australia, with his wife Amelia, and his daughter, Luna.

Pepper and Nova were happily chatting in her room, which then Tony barged in. "Pepper, Nova," he gave her a small nod. "We're going to Australia. Now." he said sternly. "The private jet is near, don't bring anything but yourselves."

"You know.. I could just..." Nova trailed off and put her hand up, then suddenly moved it very fast. "Boom, we're in Australia."

"We are not doing that, Nova." Tony said sternly, pointing a finger at her. Nova shrugged, "It saves money."

"Money isn't a problem for me." Tony stated. Nova rolled out of her bed and fell down with a thud. The girl stayed at that position, un moved.


"What?" the girl asked in a muffled voice, her face still laying flat on the floor.

"Get up."

"I don't want to."


After a few minutes of persuading Nova to get up, Tony had finally found the way to convince the girl to go to Australia with him. On the side of the private jet was Nova, happily chomping down the cheeseburger that Tony had given her. She took the bottle of coke that was on her left and slurped it. "Why are you going to Australia, anyway? And why do I need to come with?"

"I found your real father."

Nova choked on the coke that she was once drinking, and gave Tony a puzzled look. "Y-you did?" she questioned once more.


"Does he know that I'm coming?" she questioned, taking another sip of her coke. Tony paused at the question, then he began thinking. Did I inform them?

Nova paused when she saw his expression. "Ugh oh." she muttered. "They don't know?"

"It's okay, they will know."

Nova started laughing manically. "So what are we going to do? Just waltz in there, and go hi! I'm your long lost daughter that got stolen when she was a child!" she questioned. Tony nodded. "If you wan't it that way, then yes."

"Well Mr. Stark, you could have told me that I was going to meet my dad, I could have prepared." she mumbled. Tony sat at the chair that was infront of her. "Prepared for what?"

"I don't know, I just think that he'll be disappointed on what I've been." she mumbled, then laughed. "I mean look at me. Seventeen year old girl who locks herself up in her room after her dad dies. And look at me now! I have been eating cheeseburgers and cans of coke instead of saving New York! I quit school, I avoid all of my friends before and don't talk to anyone exept for you and Pepper."

Tony sighed. "First of all, cheeseburgers are amazing. Second of all, I teach you everything you need to know, so it's technically like you went to school, but just better. And lastly, you're father hasn't seen you in years, Nova. I'm sure he will accept you whatever state you're in." Tony smiled. After a few minutes, alarms were heard, signaling that they were about to land. Tony gave Nova a soft pat in the back.

Smiling to herself, Nova did came to think of it. Her parents would accept her, right?


"So, uh, my parents live in here. And I have a sister who is in here as well?" she asked, looking down at her feet. Tony nodded.

"I-I can't do this," Nova suddenly blurted out. Tony sighed and held her by her shoulders. "Listen to me, okay? You are going inside that house and you're going to meet your family. Do you understand?" he asked in a stern voice, almost as if he was commanding her.

"I will. I understand."

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