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"No," she whispered. "No. No. Nonono." she ripped the police tapes open and went across. Nova was about to touch her dad until a group of police officers restrained her.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she kept on screaming. With all the force she could exert, she tried pushing them away. Her powers could not be  shown, since her second persona might be exposed. "Let me go, you idiots!" she cried.

"Let me go... please." she broke down. Tears were falling out of her eyes like waterfalls. "Let me go... let me go." she kept on repeating the phase. Her whole life, nothing hurt her like this. Her father was the only person she loved. Her father took care of her alone, without the help of a mother. Her father, even though un wealthy, managed to make her go to school to a prestigious science high school. He had sacrificed so much for Nova. He was the only person Nova really trusted.

Without him, Nova wouldn't be anything.


"He was... a wonderful son."

Nova stared blankly at the mahogany casket that was situated infront of her. There were a bunch of white roses scattered around the casket.

Nova hated the roses. It was plain and boring, which was the opposite of her father. Her father was an optimistic, fun, handsome, and loving father. To Nova, he was the perfect father there is, but not all others would agree, since no one knew him like his own daughter did.

But now he was gone.

Her grandmother continued to talk about her dad, sobbing afterwards. After her speech, a team of workers lowered the casket into the ground. Everyone in the room was either crying or on the brink of sobbing.

But Nova sat there, still and emotionless. It wasn't her fault that her father died, she knew that. But the girl couldn't help but think that she could have at least said goodbye, or a last "I love you."

Her dad was gone, and so was Nova.


It was two years after Nova's disappearance. Tony Stark couldn't track the girl anywhere. During those two years, a lot has happened. Tony was now mentoring Peter. Peter found a crush whose father turned out to be evil, which he dealt with the help of Tony.

Nova sat in the abandoned house she lived in. The couch she was sitting on felt hard, and in an adittion to that, everytime she made a small move the couch would let out a loud creak.

As she opened the T.V to watch the news, the frantic reporting of the news anchor caught her attention. The girl put down the twinkie she was munching on and paid attention.

Apparently, New York was being attacked by something that looked like a giant donut.

Nova choked on the twinkie she was chewing. She dreamt of this. Everything that happened. Everything that will happen.

"I guess I don't have a choice." she sighed.

Nova looked at the paper bag she kept in the cabinet. Slowly making her way towards it, she pulled out the uniform Tony Stark gave her when she fought on his team. "Haven't seen you in a while." she stated, smiling to herself.


Nova sped to the area where the spaceship was. "Oh no," she groaned. "It looked so much smaller in T.V."

When she saw a giant creature attacking Tony Stark, she instantly felt like she needed to help him. Nova didn't think about Tony's reaction when seeing her, but Nova was focused on trying to save the world from the apocalypse.

The girl slipped on her googles, and wen't to kick the giant. She then slowed time down, took the tree trunk that was on his hands and banged it on his body. When time resumed, the monster fell at the impact of the trunk.

Nova looked behind her to see a shocked Tony, they stared at each other for a few seconds until Tony noticed the monster charging at Nova.

"Watch out!" Tony screamed, proceeding to push Nova out of the way. The monster managed to push Tony and charge at Nova once again. When it held it's fist up to crush Nova, Peter suddenly appeared, stopping the monster from doing any more damage. Peter expected Nova to say something, maybe thank him, or explain why she was gone for the past two years.

Nova didn't. She didn't feel anything anymore.

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