Chapter 15: Girls day gone wrong

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" He was never mine. But it still hurts."


After the pizza place we all headed back to the dorms. I couldn't help think of mine and Joons conversation.

I'm such an idiot I should just tell him.

At least Kam and Kate had fun.

Kate hanged out with Yoongi. I swear them two are dateing but she won't tell me.

Kam hanged out with Jimin for a little bit. Until Jungkook dragged her away from him. Causing them two to argue over her for 100th time.

Until Kam got sick of it and smacked both of them in the back of the head. Telling them they all 3 could hang out together.

Like good boys they did.

We have no clue where Rose was she walked back after we went to the arcade.

"We should have a girls day tomorrow." Kam suggested.

"Yeah we should I need a break from boys" I say as I open our dorm room door.

"Lets watch a movie!" Kate says heading for the living room to look for a movie.

We all went and changed into our Pjs and made some popcorn.

I guess our girls day is starting early. Kate put in a romance movie.

I really don't like romance movies. Its the same plot everytime. The guy gets the girl, the guy loses the girl, and ends up getting her back.

"Why romance?" I say plopping down on the couch.

"Ana we all need a little romance in our lives" Kate says mockingly.

While watching the movie Kate had gotten a phone call from Yoongi.

"KATE ARE YOU AND YOONGI DATING!" I said loud enough so he could hear me too.

She just gave me death glares.

Me and Kam just kept trying to embarrass her while she was on the phone.

When she got off the phone me and Kam where just on the floor laughing.

Time skip~~~

Today is our girls day no boys, no worries. I put on my purple Adidas hoddie and converse on before heading out.

"How about some coffee?" Kam suggested.

"Yes I know the perfect place!" I say grabbing my wallet.

We decided to walk instead of driving so Kam can see Seoul and it's beauty. I really do love it here.

Kate and Kam were infront of me while I walked behind them because I walk slow.

We were close to the place when Kam and Kate stopped with shocked faces.

"Guys whats wrong?"

They didnt answer me at first. Kam looked like she was gonna fight someone.

"Ana lets just go" Kate says as she tries to turn me around.

I thought I saw Namjoon for a second.

"No whats wrong with you guys" I say getting out of their grasp.

I should of never turned around.

There was Namjoon and a girl sitting at a table holding hands.

"Joonie..." I said falling to my knees in tears. I thought he would wait for me.

"IM GONNA KICK HIS ASS" Kam screams while Kate is trying to hold her back.

I had to get out of there. So I just started running. I could hear my friends calling my name.

I ran back to the dorm and locked myslef in the bathroom.

I just sat there and cried.

My mom was right no boy wants a broken girl like me.

I had cried so much that I fell asleep on my bedroom floor.

Why does heartbreak hurt so much.

Kate POV:

Ana she started running we tried calling after her but she wouldn't stop.

"Yep I'm gonna whip this ass hat." I hear Kam say as she heads into the coffee shop.

Oh shit its about to go down.

Kam grabs someones Ice coffee and pours it on Namjoons head. Along with a cup cake in his face. He looked really confused.

While she did this I called Jimin and Yoongi to get down here.

"THATS WHAT YOU GET BITCH WHEN YOU CHEAT ON MY FRIEND." Kam screams before Jimin finally comes and drags her out.

"What happened?" Yoongi says as if he is out of breath.

"Well we were gonna get coffee but saw Joon there with a girl and stuff. Ana saw it and Kam. Ana was really upset and ran off while Kam you know" I say pointing to Joon.

"I told him not to do nothing stupid. Tell Ana I'll talk to him ok" he says going to a messy Joon.

I've gotta find her first.



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