Chapter 16: Heart break

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" Just because I let you go doesn't mean I wanted to"


Its been days since I've came out of my bedroom. I only came out to shower and use the bathroom.

I didn't even go to class.

But the rest of the time I was in my bed crying and heart broken. Which was nothing new to me except.

This is different.

I really loved him.

He hasn't contacted me or anything. Which just made it worst. Kam and Kate has tried to make me come out but I just ignored them.

Kate even tried calling my dad to make me come out.

It was just a normal sad day for me when there was a soft knock on my door.


His voice sounded horse like he had been screaming. I knew who it was.

The last person I wanted to talk to. But at the same time the person I wanted.

Kate POV:

Ana still wouldn't budge.

I called Yoongi and he explained everything to me what actually happened.

But how would you get Ana to believe that she has hard headed on stuff like that.

My and Kam were trying to get her out of her room for the 100th time. When someone showed up at out door.

It was Namjoon.

"Can I come in?" He looked at mess and sounded a mess.

"Yeah sure"

"Hey Kate whose at.... Why the hell did you let this ass in?" She says squaring up.

"Listen Kam I'll tell you everything later."

Namjoon then headed for Ana's room.

Maybe he could make her come out or he could make it worse.

End POV:

"Please Ana open up I really need you" he says for the second time.

"No go away Joon" I say now sobbing.

"Just believe me it was just a misunderstanding please." I could tell he was now crying.

"Misunderstanding my ass" I say going to the door and sitting in front of it.

"Please Ana"

"Why did you do this to me Joon you keep breaking me." I say putting my hand to the door.

"Just listen you don't even have to talk. That girl was no one. I only have eyes for you" he says with his voice hoarse.

"Then who was she then?"

"I can't tell you"

"Then tell me why your breaking my heart?" I say in a crying mess.

"I'm sorry" I then heard him go and leave.

Kam POV:

We have no clue what they talked about. But Kate told me the explanation of who the girl was.

I was expecting him to leave but he didn't.

"Is it okay if I stay here incase she comes out" he says.

"Yeah." Kate says.

"But we need to go to the store to buy her food remember" I say.

"Oh yeah we'll be back Joon."

We went to the store and bought Ana some choclate and food for Joon.

I wanted to just get food for Ana because I still don't trust the Asshat but Kate said we had to.

We dropped the food off and headed to the boys dorm because Kate had a plan.

"Hey how's noona" Jungkook then appears and asks me.

"She still won't come out but Kate says she has a plan"

"Yeah I do so go get the boys." Kate says.

Kook then gathered the 6 boys in the living room. "So whats the plan?" Taehyung asks.

"Ok so the plan is to keep the 2 in our dorm for a week so maybe they'll work things out. Me and Kam already bought enough food to last them a week." She says.

"Sounds like a good idea. We can take turns checking on them everyday." Jin says.

"Yeah and to make sure they don't kill each other." Yoongi adds.

"Lets just really hope this works" I say


I noticed how quite the house got. I knew that they went to the grocery store to buy me chocolate. But they never came back.

Maybe they are asleep?

So I snucked out of my room and headed for the Kitchen. I saw a bag of dove choclate on the counter.

Choclate is a girls best friend.

So I grabbed the choclate and went to the living room.

When I got there I saw Namjoon sleeping on the couch.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

He actually stayed.

I ran as quietly as I could back to my room and texted Kam.

Me: Whos idea was it to leave me alone with him?!

Kam💙: Kate's idea why are you okay?

Me: Why would y'all leave me?! You betrayed me.

Kam💙: Chill, just try to work things okay I didn't like the idea either. Good night.

Me: fine.Gn.

I can't face him



Thanks for Almost 400 reads! I can't believe how far my book has come!
If you guys think I should do a Q&A or anything else pm me!

Love, Alex💜

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