Kate + Yoongi

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" I'll still love you even if I'm millions of miles away."

Refer to chpt: see you later
Kate POV:

This is the hardest thing I'm having to do.

Breaking someone you have fallen in love with heart.

I'm leaving to go back home for a while even though I told them I would be back soon.

I just couldn't see how sad they would look if I told them it would be more than a year.

Especially him.

I was coming back from a class that I did take when I texted Yoongi that we needed to talk and it was urgent.

So I made my way to his dorm where I and my friends shared many memories and stories at.

I knocked on the cold door.

I fidgeted with my hands until a bed head Yoongi came and opened the door.

When he saw that it was me his face lighted up like a Christmas tree.

"Kate," he says with a gummy smile and raspy voice.

"Come in."

I sadly smiled and made my way in and sat on the familiar couch. He quickly shut the door and made his way over to me.

'He looks like a little grandpa' I thought as I observed his attire of a white t-shirt and red checkered pajama pants.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He says with worriedness in his voice.

"Yeah, umm." I didn't realize until now when I looked into his dark eyes how much pain he is gonna be in when I tell him.

"Yoongi, I have to go," I say holding his hand and admiring his sugar like skin.

"Go where?" He says looking for an answer in my eyes.

"Home, for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"A year then I'll be back."

I remained silent as he looked down at our linked hands.

"I really, don't know what to say." He finally says.

" I understand if you can't do a long distance..."

"I can wait." He says bluntly.

"You'll wait for me?" I say shocked at his response.

"Yes, I will."

"But we haven't been dating long and you trust me enough?"

"Kate, I know this will sound stupid. I trust you because I'm in love with you." He says with compassion.

"You are the first girl who I have truly come to love." He adds.

"But what if I mess up?" I say with tears now in my eyes.

"That's part of love. Learning." He says as he brings his thumb up and wipes the tears away.

He then holds the side of my face and brings it to his.

I could feel the tears coming not from my face but his.

We finally break apart and I wiped his tears away with my thumb.

"You're my first too," I say as I hold his face in my hands.

This wasn't the first time we had shared a simple kiss.

But, I knew it was gonna be the last.

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