Chapter 1

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Georgia's POV:

"What do you mean your leaving?"

"Georgie don't do this."

Noah my eldest brother looks at me like I'm the one who's leaving with a days notice.

"You don't do this! The ranch is already having a rough time and you two want to leave? How do you expect us to take care of the ranch?"

Noah and Liam share a look. They aren't telling me something, and by the look they share they don't think they should tell me. 

"What? Just tell me."

Liam rubs his neck. "We asked dad if we could stay with him for awhile so we could get some money and pay for a dorm at the college next year."

I laugh. "Like that's gonna work out."

"He said he would love to have us." Liam continues.

Ouch. Our Dad hasn't contacted me since he left this family when I was fourteen. As far as I knew he didn't contact anyone else, but of course he contacted the oldest ones...they always were his favorites. I feel my eyes start to burn.

"Good luck. Tell dad to fuck off for me will you?" I leave the table before my mom could yell at me for my language. I knew I wouldn't have much time alone because Memphis and Dakota would be following shortly after me. Memphis, Dakota, and I are actually triplets but most people just think that the boys are twins and im the younger sister.

"Georgia? Can we come in?" I open the door for Memphis and Kota.

"Did you guys know?" I ask immediately when I open the door for them. 

They both shake their heads. "Honest, we had no clue". 

"Mom said she already has someone who wants the job. Said he's pretty cheap too." Dakota shrugs. "She wants us to meet him tomorrow."

"Is she not gonna meet the new worker?" I look up and Kota's lips tilt down. 

"She has to leave town for work. She said she'll only be gone about a week." Memphis answers.

When dad left, mom threw herself into her work. She's a great mother, when she's home at least.

"Great. Hopefully Miss. Carol can help us out with Emily." The helpers on our ranch are family, not all of them are blood related, but since they have been around as long as most of my family they earned the relative relationship. For example Miss. Carol helped my parents raise all of us children when my parents were at work or just running around caring for the ranch.

"Alright i'm going to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning." I push the boys out of my room and collapse into the bed. 


Memphis, Dakota and I are all sitting out by the office waiting for the new worker to show. Mom left early this morning and Noah and Liam must have left last night because all of their stuff is gone.

"I wonder how old he is." Dakota thinks aloud, breaking the silence we had been sitting in.

"He's probably some college kid. Mom did say he goes to school." Memphis plucks another leaf from the bush and rips it apart.

"Hopefully he comes soon or that poor bush will be leafless." Dakota ducks and laughs as Memphis tries to throw a stick at him.


Everyone spins towards the voice.

"Hey?" Dakota looks the guy up and down

"I'm the new worker, Theo."

"Oh my bad! I'm Memphis, thats Dakota, and that's our sister Georgia."

I shake his hand which is rough like he's no stranger to hard labor.

"We'll show you around and introduce you to the horses you'll be working with." Dakota says leading the pack into the ranch.

After awhile of walking we get to barn D.

"Alright, so on the ranch there are seven barns in total A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. Each one has a pasture that connects to the barn, D and E share a pasture. Also barn G has a pasture but we don't use it because that's where the trouble horses stay. We have to take them out and give rides one by one." Dakota finishes and Theo looks overwhelmed.

"Dont worry youll get the hang of it. You'll usually have barn D, which is this barn. Georgia usually has barn E so she can help you out in the beginning if you need anything." Memphis tells Theo.

"So Theo you work with horses before?" Memphis asks as we walk around

"Yeah I stopped a couple of months ago though."

"Cool so we don't have to go through the whole basic care routine." Memphis laughs

We continue to walk

"What school do you go to? I dont think ive ever seen you around here." Dakota asks as they make the way back to the office.

"Oh yeah, well I just moved here with a few of my buddies. Before that I was homeschooled." Theo shrugs.

"Are you still gonna be homeschooled?" I ask

He looks surprised that I talked, guess I have been pretty quiet "uh no, i'm starting at Golden Oak High School on Monday."

"Oh sweet! Come find us tomorrow and we'll show you to your classes." Memphis smiles

Theo just nods "well I'll see y'all tomorrow then." he waves and climbs into a old beat up chevy truck.

"So he was..." I start



Memphis and Dakota look at eachother and laugh

"Yeah he seems ok, it'll be weird having someone else our age around here."

The boys nod agreeing with me. We start heading back to the house.

"We are gonna have to wake up pretty early tomorrow so we have time to drop Emily off at daycare since ma's still not home." Dakota states

"Ughhh I don't wanna wake up earlier we already get up at the crack of fucking dawn" Memphis complains.

I tune them out and instead try to think if I finished my homework.

"Whos car is that?"

I look up and see the car that is in question, It's parked in our yard.

"I don't mom home?"

I laugh "mom wouldn't be caught dead in a car like that."

We all climb up the stairs, and Memphis opens the door.

"Hey kids." 

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