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Jaemin's POV

"Isn't Jeno just so...dreamy?" Renjun. Complimenting Lee Jeno for the twenty millionth time this day. Okay, yeah, I may be over exaggerating, but still. "And he's just so nice too..."

I roll my eyes. "Renjun, can you stop complimenting Jeno for five seconds?"

"Why?" He smirked. "You jealous?" If only you knew.

"No, I am not jealous. It's just kind of annoying hearing you blabber about your crush every five seconds." I retort.

Now, Renjun is the one to roll his eyes. "Oh, come on. It's not that bad."

"Actually, it is pretty annoying." Chenle says from across the lunch table, finally looking away from his boyfriend.

"Jun, I don't even talk about Chenle as much as you do Jeno." Jisung said, agreeing with Chenle and I.

Renjun scoffed. "Whatever, guys. Why can't I have friends that let me talk about my crush as much as I want to and them squealing about how good of a couple we would be together, then encouraging me to make a move?"

"Because we aren't seventh grade girls...?" Chenle replied.

"Yeah, you want us to also braid your hair and paint your nails?" Jisung added.

Renjun just looked at the two with disgust. I then followed Renjun's eyes when he looked next to ChenSung couple where Haechan was seated. The redhead was actually being silent for once in his life, he was in some sort of daze, his chin resting on his hand. It was actually kind of worrying to see him not talking.

"Um...Haechan? You okay over there?" Renjun said, worryingly, getting Haechan's attention as he sat upright.

"Yeah. Fine." Was all he replied with.

"Was probably sulking about how Mark will never even notice him." Said Jisung, earning a light slap from Chenle. At least he knows when it's not a good time to make jokes like that.

"Yeah, he probably won't. Why do I even try?" Donghyuck says with a sigh, causing Jisung and Chenle's eyes to widen in shock as Renjun and I share a worried glance.

"Hyuck, don't say that and stop being so negative." Renjun scolded him.

"Where's the extremely sassy and rude Donghyuckie we all know and love?" Chenle said, pinching his cheeks since he was sitting next to Donghyuck.

Donghyuck smiled slightly before slapping Chenle's hand out of the way. "Yeah, who needs Mark. I'm a proud single pringle."

"That's the spirit." Chenle says, putting his fist in the air.

"Yeah, my brother's an idiot anyways." I commented.

Renjun nods his head. "I should know, since I have known him for a long time because of Jaemin."

Donghyuck just laughs. "Yeah, okay. Anyways, about Renjun being annoying because he talks about Jeno all the time; I totally agree. It's so annoying."

Renjun sends a death glare at Donghyuck, then the bell rings.

"I didn't get to finish my cookie. Damn you, bell!" Donghyuck says glaring at the ceiling.

I shake my head at him, laughing softly at how childish he can be, and then get up. I throw away my food tray as the others soon follow after me. Then we head to our seperate classes and I'm excited. Because next class is history, and I have history class with Renjun.


the chapters on this book are a going to be a little short, srry about that

anyways, thanks for reading and bye bye!

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